The Limited Times

Parmigiano Reggiano, in 2019 production and export grows

4/30/2020, 5:02:25 PM

The consumer turnover of the PDO is 2.6 billion euros (ANSA)

- Top production in 2019 for the Parmigiano reggiano Dop which grows overall in production by 1.47% compared to the previous year for a total of 3.75 million forms (about 150 thousand tons) produced obtaining - reports the protection consortium - "the highest level in the history of cheese".

Consumer turnover is € 2.6 billion, while production is 1.56 billion. In the last three years, production - the consortium notes - has gone from 3.47 million wheels to 3.75 million wheels, recording an increase of 8.1%. The trend in prices was also good: in 2016 the cost per kg was € 8.60, in 2019 the average annual price stood at € 10.75 with an increase of 25%. A drop below 10 euros has been reported starting in October during Trump's tariff period with a simultaneous "production growth of milk and consequently of cheese produced".

From a market point of view, the protection body reports that Italy today represents just under 60% of the total, against an export share of 41% (+ 4.3% volume growth compared to the previous year).

France is the first market (21% of total exports), followed by the USA (20.9%), Germany (17.8%), the United Kingdom (12.3%) and Canada (3.9%). Finally, it should be noted that in the first two months of 2020, in the pre-Covid period, Parmigiano Reggiano sales recorded an increase in sales volumes, in particular in the large-scale retail trade (large-scale distribution) where growth has touched + 20%. In April the price of the product stands just above 8 euros per kg compared to 10.75 euros in 2019.