The Limited Times

Phase 2: NGO cyclists, no to scooters on cycle paths

4/30/2020, 4:05:53 PM


"The proposal announced yesterday by the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, to introduce in the Highway Code the definition of bike lane, that is a lane with priority destination for the circulation of velocipedes, in which movement also of motor vehicles with a total number of wheels not exceeding three, such as mopeds, motorcycles and tricycles ". All the main Italian cycling associations write this in a joint press release, including Fiab, Salvaiciclisti, Bikeitalia.

"In this way, cycling is not promoted, so necessary for our cities in phase two and restart times - the note continues -. Instead, the lives of cyclists, who are not already protected, are at risk; just think that 800 people walk and cycle every year, over 20% of the deaths on Italian roads ".

"Safe and secure emergency cycle lanes are needed immediately - the cycling associations still write -. It is towards these solutions that the Highway Code must be adapted. Make the cycle paths promiscuous with motorized two / three-wheel traffic, as the Minister of Transportation is the exact opposite. "

"This is why we ask Minister De Micheli to renounce imposing the coexistence between bicycles and mopeds in the dedicated lanes - the release concludes -: cyclists need safe routes, and not to suffer yet another aggression from motorized traffic, or we will not convince never people to get in the saddle. "

Fiab, #primalabici campaign for phase 2 . #PRIMALABICI is the hashtag chosen by FIAB (Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation) for the new campaign to promote the use of two wheels in all urban journeys. The campaign kicks off on the occasion of Labor Day, with the message "FIRST MAY, FIRST THE BIKE!". Fiab wrote it on its website.

The association explains that "the bicycle - always, but even more in this period - is certainly one of the means capable of guaranteeing social distancing (primarily for getting around the city), it is a valid alternative to public transport, which will work initially with a 'narrow gauge' as well as, as also indicated by the WHO, an activity recommended to keep us healthy ".

The campaign, explains Alessandro Tursi, president of FIAB, kicks off "to reaffirm the importance for everyone of being able to choose the bicycle as the most efficient and sustainable means of transport for going to the office, company or factory".

"To facilitate citizens in choosing sustainable journeys in this delicate Phase 2 - Tursi points out - it is essential that the new decree includes the authorization to reopen the bicycle sales shops starting from May 4th".