The Limited Times

Report: IDF attacks targets around Conitra | Israel today

4/30/2020, 9:29:31 PM

the Middle East

Syrian media claimed that Israeli aircraft attacked several positions near Israeli-Syrian border • It was also reported that the target of the attack was from an IAF from Iran

  • Nocturnal assault in Syrian territories // Photo: AFP

Media affiliated with the Syrian regime and Iran reported Thursday an Israeli attack near the town of Kunitra on the Israeli-Syrian border in the Syrian Golan.

According to Syrian reports, some positions were damaged, causing material damage but not loss of life. It was also reported that five Israeli missiles were fired at Syria. 

According to reports in Lebanon, a plane loaded with weapons departing from Tehran landed a few hours ago in Damascus, the weapons were loaded onto trucks heading south toward Kuneitra and under Israeli surveillance. After unloading the warehouses were bombed.