The Limited Times

Trump will not extend restrictions

4/30/2020, 5:02:42 PM

In the United States over one million cases and 60 thousand deaths. For the American president, the spacing measures "will dissolve because the governors are thinking about it." Cnn, half America reopens tomorrow (ANSA)

Donald Trump has anticipated that he will not extend his social distancing guidelines that expire today , despite coronavirus cases exceeding one million and 60,000 dead. "They will dissolve because the governors are thinking about it, " he explained.

The guidelines remained in force 45 days. Vice President Mike Pence specified that they have been incorporated into the new White House guidelines on how states can ease restrictions and start reopening.

The White House guidelines suggested to Americans, among other things, to work from home, avoid gatherings and discretionary travels, and advised older people or those with other conditions to isolate themselves.

Half America reopens. At least 28 out of 50 states will release restrictions on coronavirus by tomorrow after the White House guidelines expire today. Cnn reports it. Among the first states to leave Florida and West Virginia, where dentists, one of the most at risk categories, will be able to return to work today. Many states are moving towards reopening even if they do not meet the requirements set by the administration, starting with the reduction of cases in the last 15 days.

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