The Limited Times

Coronavirus: "Can we circulate between red and green zones?"

5/2/2020, 9:44:32 AM

This type of movement is authorized provided that it does not exceed 100 km.

Every day, Le Parisien is mobilized to answer your questions around the coronavirus. Today we are interested in the questioning of Houtekier, who asks us if he can travel from a red trip to a green department.

The answer is yes, confirmed Matignon to L'Obs, but on condition of respecting the maximum distance of 100 km. Otherwise, you must be able to justify the trip by a “compelling reason”, family or professional.

VIDEO. Deconfinement: the map of the “red”, “orange” or “green” departments revealed

If movements between a territory classified red (where the virus is still circulating a lot or where the level of tension in intensive care is high) and another classified green (or vice versa) are therefore authorized, the health authorities and the government recommend limiting them no more possible.

"If you live in an area where the virus is actively circulating, you do not intend to travel to areas in which the virus does not circulate since, by definition, this is where you take the risk of spreading the virus. virus more broadly, "recalled Olivier Véran on Franceinfo on April 29.

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