The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Madonna, 'I'm immune'

5/2/2020, 9:56:43 AM

Madonna is convinced that she is immune to coronavirus and is preparing to "breathe in the air of Covid-19" In a video posted on her Instagram account, the 61-year-old pop queen claims to have "taken a test the other day. (ANSA )

The singer Madonna is convinced that she is immune to coronavirus and is preparing to "breathe in the air of Covid-19" In a video posted on her Instagram account, the 61-year-old pop queen claims to have "taken a test the other day. I found out that I have antibodies - he says, according to Sky News -, so tomorrow I will go for a long car ride. I will lower the window and breathe in the air of Covid-19 ".
The cantate spends the lockdown at her home in California and posts her and her children on social videos. It is not clear, comments Sky News, if Madonna has contracted the virus but it has not yet been proven that the presence of antibodies in the blood of a healed person is sufficient to protect it from a possible relapse.

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