The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Phase 2, here's what you can do

5/2/2020, 4:42:01 PM

Conjoined are cohabitants and stable bonds. Also relatives up to the sixth degree and related up to the fourth degree (ANSA)

Here are the frequently asked questions about the measures taken by the executive for Phase 2

(From the government website)

Can I move to visit someone? Movements are allowed to meet only your relatives, who must be considered among the movements justified by necessity. It is however strongly recommended to limit meetings with non-cohabitants to the maximum, as this increases the risk of contagion. During these meetings the following must be respected: the ban on gathering, the interpersonal distancing of at least one meter and the obligation to use masks for the protection of the respiratory tract.

Who are the relatives with whom you are allowed to meet? The area to which the term "relatives" may refer may indirectly derive, systematically, from the rules on kinship and affinity, as well as from the jurisprudence on the subject of civil liability. In light of these references, it must be considered that the "relatives" referred to by the DPCM include: spouses, cohabiting partners, partners of civil unions, people who are linked by a stable emotional bond, as well as relatives up to the sixth degree (such as, for example, the children of cousins ​​with each other) and relatives up to the fourth degree (such as, for example, the spouse's cousins).

Can you go out for a walk? You can leave your home only to go to work, for health reasons, for necessity (in this case the decree includes visiting relatives), or to carry out sport or physical activities outdoors. Therefore, walks are allowed only if strictly necessary to make a move justified by one of the reasons indicated above. For example, it is justified by reasons of necessity to move to shop, to buy newspapers, to go to the pharmacy, or in any case to buy goods necessary for daily life, or to go to any of the open businesses (see FAQ). Furthermore, every exit from the home for outdoor sports or motor activities is justified. It is understood that the justification for all admitted journeys, in the event of any checks, can be provided in the forms and with the methods allowed.

The justification of the job can also be proven by showing adequate documentation provided by the employer (badges or similar) suitable to demonstrate the declared condition. In any case, all movements are subject to the general prohibition of assembly, and therefore to the obligation to respect the minimum safety distance of one meter between people. Are there any travel restrictions for those with respiratory infection symptoms and fever above 37.5 °? People with symptoms of respiratory infection and fever (greater than 37.5 ° C) must remain at their home and limit social contacts as much as possible, by contacting their doctor.

Can we go out to buy goods other than food? Yes, but only to purchase products falling within the categories of genres for which sale is permitted, expressly provided for in the Dpcm of 26 April 2020, the list of which is available at this link (Annex 1 and Annex 2). Can anyone outside their home, home or residence come back? Yes. The decree provides that in any case it is allowed to return to your home, home or residence, even if it involves moving between different regions. Once you have returned to your home / home / residence, as permitted by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 April 2020, is it possible to move out of the home / home / residence region reached again? The Dpcm of 26 April 2020 allows the movement between different Regions only in cases where they occur: proven work needs or absolute urgency or health reasons. Therefore, once you have returned to your home / home / residence even from another region (as allowed starting from May 4, 2020), you will no longer be allowed to move outside the borders of the region where you are it is found, if one of the legitimate reasons for moving above mentioned does not occur.

I have an underage son, can I accompany him to a park, a villa or a public garden? Yes. Public access to parks, villas and public gardens is allowed, however, subject to strict compliance with the ban on all forms of assembly and the interpersonal safety distance of one meter. Areas equipped for the play of children that, according to the new dPCM, remain closed, cannot be used. The mayor may order the temporary closure of specific areas in which it is not possible to otherwise ensure compliance with the provisions.

Is motor or sport activity allowed? Outdoor sport and motor activity is only allowed if it is carried out individually, unless they are cohabitants. Starting from 4 May, outdoor sports and motor activities will no longer be allowed only in the vicinity of your home. The presence of an accompanying person for minors or for people who are not completely self-sufficient will be possible. It is mandatory to respect the interpersonal distance of at least two meters, if it is a sport, and a meter, if it is a simple motor activity. In any case, gatherings are prohibited. In order to carry out the motor or sport activity mentioned above, it is also allowed to travel by public or private means of transport to reach the place identified for carrying out these activities. It is not allowed to carry out physical or sports activities outside your region.

Can I use the bicycle? The use of the bicycle is allowed to reach the workplace, the place of residence or the shops that continue the sales activity. It is also allowed to use the bicycle for outdoor physical activities. In all circumstances, however, the prescribed interpersonal safety distance must be observed.

Can I go to the cemetery to pay homage to a deceased loved one, even outside the funeral ceremonies? Yes, it is allowed to move within your region to visit the cemeteries to the deceased, always respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter and the ban on gathering. As for parks, even in cemeteries, the ban on gatherings must always be respected and, if it is not possible to avoid such gatherings, the Mayor can order their temporary closure. For the rules relating to funeral ceremonies, also within cemeteries, see the specific faq. What are the rules for traveling to and from abroad? For information on traveling to and from abroad, it is advisable to consult the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

What are the rules for traveling to and from abroad? For information on traveling to and from abroad, it is advisable to consult the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

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