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Today's horoscope, May 2, 2020, of all the zodiac signs

5/2/2020, 1:08:32 PM

Check your horoscope for today, Saturday May 2. What do the stars have in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope, Saturday, May 2 , the Moon goes through the Virgo sign and combines its energies with the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and the Black Moon to give you a different day than what you are used to.


As I had mentioned in the May monthly horoscope for your sign, you start the month very focused on topics related to your economy and work.

Today the Universe synchronizes to several planets so that you can receive news regarding these issues. It could be the confirmation of a new job interview or the date of incorporation to the usual tasks.

As the Black Moon is added to this energy, in charge of awakening in you your taste for the esoteric, I recommend that tomorrow you do the ritual with grain salt to attract money on the first Sunday of each month. You will see that in this way you prepare energetically to receive the good.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, April 27-May 3, 2020
Aries Monthly Horoscope for May
Aries 2020 Annual Horoscope


There are many planets passing by your sign; Therefore, different aspects of your life will begin to become dynamic and you will feel eager to make changes in your personal plans, tasks and projects.

To this end, the Moon in Virgo today will help you synchronize and direct all your physical, mental and emotional forces towards the priority you have to specify.

Take advantage of this positive energy current to get out of certain limitations that you did not dare to overcome. Dare to take risks and you will surely discover that you had been more cautious than appropriate.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, April 27-May 3, 2020
Taurus Monthly Horoscope for May
Taurus 2020 Annual Horoscope


Venus, a planet associated with love and well-being, continues to pass through your sign and this energy is joined by the vibration of other planets, which helps to avoid negative thoughts. Particularly those related to the lack of opportunities to have a good love relationship.

By leaving these ideas, you will also leave aside the feeling of living in the midst of disappointments and that you just have to go through loving sadness.  

You should take advantage of the aforementioned energetic current, since this week, as I told you in the May horoscope of your sign, you will have good luck and opportunities in your relationships. 

See also: 

Gemini weekly horoscope, April 27 to May 3, 2020
Gemini monthly horoscope for May
Gemini 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon, the Black Moon and various planets form an energetic current in your favor that will make you understand what you are feeling, analyze what is happening to you and, consequently, make the decision to solve it.

This ranges from your desire to move up in your work to the anguish you have when you do not receive that call you are waiting for, either from your partner, from someone you like or from your close friend.

Being able to understand your internal processes is important on this day so that you can feel better and take advantage of the new energies of the month. You will see that this way you will be in control of your moods to act accordingly and calmly. 

See also:

Cancer Weekly Horoscope, April 27-May 3, 2020
Cancer Monthly Horoscope for May
Cancer Yearly Horoscope 2020


Today the Universe gives you a calmer day so that you can understand yourself through the energy current formed by the Moon, the Black Moon and other planets.  

With this influence, you can avoid judging yourself as much or criticizing yourself when you don't take action. It will also help you recognize that there are many times when you become infatuated and stubborn in a decision without giving way to other options.

In this order of ideas, by accepting and understanding yourself, you can be calm with yourself, open yourself to new sentimental horizons and start other types of relationships; one that can be more durable and also more exciting.

See also: 

Leo's weekly horoscope for April 27-May 3, 2020
Leo's monthly horoscope for May
Leo's annual horoscope for 2020


Today the Moon goes through your sign and combines its vibrations with the Sun, Mercury and Uranus. This influence makes you feel more confident in yourself and find balance in your thoughts and feelings.

You can focus on yourself, stop being aware of others and make the changes that you want to make in your person for a long time. In this way, you will see that you can coordinate your energy centers. This, in turn, will cleanse your aura.

In addition, your level of your productivity will be even higher, as well as your predisposition to finish the pending tasks that you have at home. 

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, April 27-May 3, 2020
Virgo Monthly Horoscope for May
Virgo 2020 Yearly Horoscope


Today the Moon, the Sun and the Black Moon combine their energies to activate your thoughts and you can solve familiar and loving situations.

By having your ideas in order, you will have serenity and objectivity to understand yourself and understand the emotions of others. So you can know what you need to be happy.

This state of harmony will also allow you to express your emotional needs differently and make favorable changes in your family life and in your environment. 

You will be able to clear up misunderstandings and repair any tension situation that you have had in the last months. Also, I recommend you do a ritual to maintain peace and serenity in your home.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, April 27-May 3, 2020
Libra Monthly Horoscope for May
Libra 2020 Yearly Horoscope


The energies of the Moon and the Black Moon combine with the vibrations of the Sun and Mercury to give you a fully harmonious day. You will notice that conversations, like the virtual tasks and meetings you have scheduled, will flow by themselves without you having to do much on your part.

You will feel this fluidity even more at the business level. Take advantage of this synchronization to update your business contacts, send notes commenting on your current activities, renew your social networks and have everything ready when everything resumes its normal rhythm.

Organize online meetings and sign pending contracts, since after the 10th several planets start their retrograde path and everything can be delayed.

See also: 

Scorpio weekly horoscope, April 27 to May 3, 2020
Scorpio monthly horoscope for May
Scorpio 2020 annual horoscope


The energetic current between the Sun, the Moon and Mercury activates various areas of your horoscope. These are the ones related to your money, your job and your professional goals.

This astrological influence is good to improve the conditions of each of these issues, since each effort you make today will help you to make significant progress.

It is a day in which you can make good decisions for the next few months and start a project, since you can put aside the pressures you have at home and your concern about family expenses. 

See also: 

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, April 27 to May 3, 2020
Sagittarius monthly horoscope for May
Sagittarius 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon, the Sun and the Black Moon, along with other planets, send you their positive vibrations so that you can spend a relaxed day.

This influence will also help you understand the reason for your anger and the fears that often hold you back in your decisions. In addition, it will be easier for you to open up and communicate in a better way with those around you.

You will see that you will create a better environment, the conversations will flow better and, if you are thinking of starting a relationship these days, it will be more stable because you already understood that good communication is necessary.

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, April 27-May 3, 2020
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for May
Capricorn 2020 Annual Horoscope


With today's planetary energy it will be difficult for you to relate to others, since you will assume that your internal processes do not understand you. This will make you more introverted, airtight and will cost you to communicate your thoughts and the conclusions you reach.

So you can have a better day with this influence, I recommend you do things that you like, practice a little more yoga and listen to music that relaxes you.

If you can, make contact with the Sun even for a few minutes. This will serve to revitalize you and make an energy change. In case you can't do it, take a few minutes to relax using an incense that you like.

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, April 27 to May 3, 2020
Aquarius monthly horoscope for May
Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


Today the combinations of energies between the Sun, the Moon and Mercury positively activate the areas of your horoscope of relationships, both friendships, sentimental and commercial.

You will feel this when you receive messages and calls from people who care about you and show you the affection they have for you. This fills your heart with good feelings and energy to continue with your projects.

This influence also benefits you if you have to send e-mails for legal affairs or issues. Also if you must activate your contacts with important people. If you want this to work even better, put aside all rivalry.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, April 27-May 3, 2020
Pisces Monthly Horoscope for May
Pisces 2020 Annual Horoscope

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