The Limited Times

VIDEO. In Spain, joggers and walkers rush outside

5/2/2020, 4:59:26 PM

After 48 days of total confinement, the Spanish are now allowed to walk and play sports outdoors while respecting

One of the strictest confinements in Europe is loosening. For the first time in 48 days, the Spanish can enjoy the great outdoors. They are forbidden to go out except to go to work, get food or go to the doctor, they are now allowed to walk at specific times according to their age.

To avoid overcrowding in the streets and contact between children and the elderly, people over 70 are allowed to go out at the end of the morning and early evening while the afternoon is reserved for children under 14 years of age. Outside these reserved slots, adults and over 14 years old can walk around and play sports outside.

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From the first hours of the entry into force of this relaxation, dozens of people were filmed running or walking in the streets of Barcelona and Madrid, without always respecting social distancing measures.