The Limited Times

VIDEO. Kim Jong-Un reappears after three weeks of absence

5/2/2020, 3:26:32 PM

Speculation has increased since the absence of the North Korean leader at the April 15 celebrations, which commemorate the birth of

After three weeks of speculation around his health, Kim Jong-Un has just reappeared publicly. The North Korean leader appeared at the inauguration of a fertilizer plant north of Pyongyang on Friday May 1, according to images released by the official North Korean news agency. It is not possible to authenticate this appearance.

Questions about Kim Jong-un's state of health have multiplied since his absence at the April 15 celebrations, which celebrate the birth of Kim Il-sung, the founder of the regime and grandfather of the current leader.

CNN had reported that Washington "studied information" that Kim Jong-Un was "in serious danger after surgery".

The head of state, whose age is estimated at 36, had not appeared in public since April 11. Already in 2014, Kim Jong-Un had reappeared after six weeks of disappearance.

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