The Limited Times

Chloroquine, fourteen, coronapéro ... The words that accompanied us during the crisis

5/3/2020, 5:17:38 PM

The epidemic, containment and the words of experts have brought to light new or known terms only in the medical world. Little alphabet book.

Will we be talking about “corona boomers” or “corona generation” in a few years? Will we continue to organize "skyperos" or "whatsapperos" with our friends, after the return to normal life? The health crisis we are going through has imposed a new reality and, with it, a surprising vocabulary. We had to give words to the new and be inventive. "We observe a very good appropriation of the language in these troubled times," remarks Bernard Cerquiglini, linguist and author of Parlez-vous troncé? (Larousse). The French transform their language in a fun way. Humor is said to be the politeness of despair, isn't it? It was therefore quite natural that the terms “coronapéro” or “coronami” appeared. ”

Certain words, hitherto rare in use, are now on everyone's lips. This is the case of "telework" and its derivative "telework". Still other terms, usually reserved for the medical field, spring up in

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