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Deconfinement of May 11: Macron facing a country that rears up

5/3/2020, 7:59:27 PM

Transporters, teachers' unions and especially 316 mayors of Ile-de-France who tell the president that May 11 is too early. The Elysée

Jacques Chirac had made famous this formula entered in the posterity of the political breviary: "The shit, it always flies in a squadron. Emmanuel Macron should not think otherwise by discovering the list of grievances piling up on his desk as he approaches deconfinement. Officially, it is on May 11, in a week, that the implementation of this plan must begin, providing, among other things, for the gradual resumption of schools, public transport or the reopening of shops.

Except that in recent hours, pockets of resistance have multiplied on different floors. Like this open letter published this Sunday by 316 mayors of Ile-de-France, including Anne Hidalgo, to call on the President of the Republic to delay the opening of schools. Same initiative on the side of different teachers' unions, which are spread across the territory, are now brandishing the threat of strike notice on the grounds that the structures are not ready to receive students in good sanitary and educational conditions.

And what about this incendiary letter sent Thursday, April 30, but unveiled this Sunday by the Point site, by public transporters for the attention of Edouard Philippe, who fear "disturbances of public order" and "strong tensions ”in trains and the metro. Do not throw any more!

"Containment is not a sustainable option either"

"It is tight, we are going to play a very close game. I have already felt the Prime Minister stretched like a bow for a few days. But there… ”observed a minister, describing the atmosphere of the last council of ministers on Saturday morning as“ heavy ”. According to our information, the Matignon tenant did not particularly appreciate the missive published by the big bosses of public transport, qualified in a small committee "irresponsible having regard to their status". A frank and virile explanation with the Minister of Transport, Elisabeth Borne, could even take place in the coming hours.

At this stage, however, nothing indicates that the containment exit plan, presented on April 28 by Philippe to the National Assembly, will indeed be activated. The executive couple give themselves until May 7 to really give the "go", if the health indicators "are there". From there to think that a rear machine is still possible? “We are absolutely not in this state of mind. It is obvious that deconfinement will not be easy, but confinement is not a sustainable option either. We cannot continue to be at a standstill for another few weeks ”, raises Matignon, speaking of“ legitimate fears ”, but also of the need to“ move and find solutions ”, especially on the ground.

Especially since "deconfinement will last longer than confinement. The French must understand this, ”even stressed the Prime Minister on Saturday morning in the Council of Ministers. On this occasion, he even suggested that the state of health emergency, extended by two months until July 23, could subsequently be postponed until September 23, or even October 23.

Macron will visit a school in Poissy on Tuesday

Faced with this fever, Emmanuel Macron does not intend to sit idly by. Far from being insensitive to the growls of mayors, he will go even Tuesday morning, according to our information, to a school in Poissy (Yvelines), city held by the mayor LR Karl Olive, one of the rare ones not to have signed the letter opened. He assumes: “We have to be consistent. The mayors spent the beginning of the five years saying that they were the forgotten people of the Republic. And now that we are put on the front line in the recovery of schools and the country, we should say that it is without us? »Reacts the elected official.

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"We don't want to rush anyone. Parents' volunteering, community volunteering. We must give mayors time to prepare, reacts for its part the Elysee. From the start, this process was designed to be progressive and concerted. May 11 is a milestone, everything has been done to make it successful and we hope it will go well. »Response in a week.