The Limited Times

Dong and Liang Dalian finalize the establishment of Lin Zheng on Tuesday, one of the invited inscription goals to promote real estate developers to reduce rents

5/3/2020, 11:08:33 PM

The "Hong Kong Restart Grand Alliance", led by the Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Dong Jianhua and Liang Zhenying, is known to have been formally announced at the meeting place of the Central Plaza tomorrow (5th). In addition to Dong, Liang and Tan Yaozong's attendance at the press conference, 11 deputy secretary-generals of the major leagues will also make full appearances, but more than a thousand co-sponsors, including several "Da Sha", will not show up. It is reported that although there is no government participation in the major leagues, the Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue has been invited to write an inscription. Regarding the fact that Chuan Chang and senior adviser Li Ka-shing were among the co-sponsors, the source did not disclose whether it was true, only saying that because Li's eldest son Li Ze is also a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, he must be on the list.

Political situation

Written by Peng Zhuowei

2020-05-04 07:00

Last update date: 2020-05-04 07:00

The "Hong Kong Restart Grand Alliance", led by Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Dong Jianhua and Liang Zhenying, is reportedly officially announced to be announced tomorrow (5th) at the venue of the Central Center. In addition to Dong, Liang and Tan Yaozong's attendance at the press conference, 11 deputy secretary-generals of the major leagues will also make full appearances, but more than a thousand co-sponsors, including several "Da Sha", will not show up.

It is reported that although there is no government participation in the major leagues, the Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue has been invited to write an inscription. Regarding the fact that Chuan Chang and senior adviser Li Ka-shing were among the co-sponsors, the source did not disclose whether it was true, only saying that because Li's eldest son Li Ze is also a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, he must be on the list.

According to the news, the Grand Alliance has finalized its official announcement at the meeting place of the Central Plaza tomorrow (5th).

According to the news, the Major League was originally planned to be held at the conference and exhibition at the end of last month. In order to avoid the violation of the polymerization restriction order, it was finally changed to the conference site on Tuesday, when the list of more than 1,000 co-sponsors will be exposed for the first time. The outside world is generally concerned about how many real estate agents have joined.

Tan Yaozong told the media earlier that the major alliance has four goals, including an emphasis on "one country, two systems", safeguarding the economy and people's livelihood, safeguarding the rule of law and uniting the society. Regarding that the Major League is to help the establishment to fight the election of the Legislative Council in September, the news has repeatedly emphasized that it is not true, but in the future, it will help youth employment and distribute masks to the region to fight against epidemics. rent.

Liang Zhenying recently revealed that the Grand Alliance will carry out the "Private Mask Program" and invest in buying masks to distribute to the community. According to the news, the masks were not provided by the current system of community-wide anti-epidemic connection in Hong Kong, but were purchased by the Grand Alliance itself. As for whether Dong and Liang will drop masks personally in the future, the source said with a smile that the decision has not yet been finalized.

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