The Limited Times

Lebanese personalities and organizations condemn Germany's decision regarding Hezbollah

5/3/2020, 6:35:27 PM

Beirut-Sana, President of the Supreme Islamic Shiite Council in Lebanon, Sheikh Abd al-Amir Qablan, condemned the decision of the government


The head of the Supreme Islamic Shiite Council in Lebanon, Sheikh Abd al-Amir Qablan, condemned the German government's decision to accuse the terrorist charge of Hezbollah, stressing that the decision came as a result of Zionist American pressure and dictates.

In a statement today, Qablan stressed that the German decision is "unjust and contradicts the truth and reality and harms the relations between Lebanon and Germany," noting that the Lebanese national resistance confronted the Israeli enemy and takfiri terrorism.

For its part, Beirut Scholars condemned the decision of the German authorities against the Lebanese national resistance, stressing that Hezbollah is a resistance movement in the face of the Israeli occupation.

The commission confirmed in a statement that "the brutal decision was made to satisfy the Israeli enemy and the American administration," noting that it was necessary to thank Hezbollah, which faced the waves of takfiri terrorism.

The statement stressed that the decision came in response to American pressure aimed at restricting all parties that stand in the face of Israeli aggression in the region, calling on the German authorities to reverse the decision and stop blind dependence on the reckless US administration.

For his part, Secretary of the Leading Committee of the Independent Nasserite Movement in Lebanon, "Al-Murabitun" Brigadier General Mustafa Hamdan, affirmed that Lebanon and its resistance will not be subject to American, Israeli and Western pressure.

Hamdan said in a statement: “It is not strange for Germany to submit to the orders of the American administration and the entity of the Israeli enemy in its hostilities to the national resistance and the Arab people in their struggle against the Israeli enemy.

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