The Limited Times

Reopening of schools on May 11 questioned by teacher unions

5/3/2020, 8:53:27 PM

The South organization calls for a reopening of establishments in September, after the publication of the final health protocol on Sunday by the Ministry of National Education.

Several education unions had already denounced in recent days an arbitrary reopening date, the main organization of the primary SNUipp-FSU regretting that it has not been validated by any medical authority. The publication on Sunday by the Ministry of National Education of the final version of the health protocol specifying the practical arrangements for the reopening and operation of nursery and elementary schools, did not help.

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According to this document, the ministry recommends wearing a mask for staff but only makes it mandatory in situations where the rules of distancing may not be respected, such as for staff working with younger children or students with needs special educational.

Concerning the pupils, the wearing of the mask is to be prohibited in the nursery schools and recommended for the pupils of primary education, specifies the ministry.

The classrooms must also be organized so as to respect a distance of at least one meter between the tables, that is to say a space of 4 square meters around each pupil. Thus, a room of 50 square meters must accommodate 16 people.

Schools must be cleaned daily and a thorough cleaning of tables, chairs, equipment and materials in contact with different groups of students should be carried out between each group, if possible using disinfectant wipes.

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In a press release issued on Sunday evening, the South union denounced "untenable demands a thousand miles from educational concerns" and called for a reopening of establishments in September. "The sanitary conditions will not be met and do not allow a resumption in May in good conditions for the students and the staff: a return to school in September would allow time to better prepare the classes and the establishments at material level as well as hiring additional staff, ” said the union.

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