The Limited Times

Venezuela is said to have foiled a "maritime invasion" from Colombia

5/3/2020, 5:47:33 PM

Eight "terrorists" were killed, two others arrested and weapons seized.

Venezuela said it thwarted this Sunday an attempt to " invade by sea " of " mercenaries " from Colombia in order to foment a " putsch " against Nicolás Maduro, an operation which resulted in the death of eight " Terrorists ".

Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said the group of " terrorists " attempted to approach the coast of Venezuela overnight from Saturday to Sunday aboard speedboats in Macuto, La Guaira State, about an hour's drive north of Caracas.

Read also: Venezuela: at least 17 dead after a mutiny in a prison

These " mercenaries " came from neighboring Colombia, a country with which relations are abominable. They planned to " commit terrorist acts, assassinate leaders of the revolutionary government " and, ultimately, " attempt a new coup " against the socialist president, the minister said in a television statement. But the " terrorist operation " was thwarted by the military and special police forces, added Nestor Reverol.

Eight "terrorists" killed

During their intervention on the beaches of Macuto, eight " terrorists " were killed, two others arrested and weapons were seized, said a little later Diosdado Cabello, the number two in power and president of the National Constituent Assembly , fully acquired in Chavista power.

Among those killed was, according to Cabello, Robert Colina, a Venezuelan officer who defected and was linked to retired general Cliver Alcala. The latter, also at odds with Caracas, was indicted in March by the American justice system for " narcoterrorism " alongside Nicolás Maduro and 13 other Venezuelan officials and ex-officials.

Diosdado Cabello, indicted by Washington for the same reasons, said that the operation was " orchestrated " from the United States and that the DEA, the American drug agency, was involved.

Read also: Venezuela: Washington's plan

The Donald Trump administration is increasing pressure on Nicolás Maduro, whom he describes as " dictator ", by resorting to economic and financial sanctions against the leader and his relatives.

Relations with Colombia at a low point

Venezuela's relations with Colombia are also at an all-time low. The two neighbors broke off diplomatic ties in February 2019. Bogotá, like Washington and nearly 60 capitals, recognizes opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president, saying the 2018 presidential election allowing Nicolás Maduro to stay in power was fraudulent.

Read also: Washington offers $ 15 million for the head of Maduro

The aborted " sea ​​invasion " comes just over a year after Juan Guaido's call for an army uprising. On April 30, 2019, he tried, in vain, to incite the barracks to rebel against the “ usurper ” Nicolás Maduro. The Chavista government has regularly accused Juan Guaido of being involved in "plots " against the Socialist president, with the help of Colombia and the United States.

Nicolas Maduro continues to enjoy the support of the army staff, the centerpiece of the Venezuelan political system, but also of China, Russia and Cuba.