The Limited Times

80s music legend died of Covid 19 episodes: everyone knows the two biggest hits

5/4/2020, 9:08:34 PM

The biggest hits in which he was involved are still in the ear of fans today. Now a legendary musician has died after a Covid 19 infection.

The biggest hits in which he was involved are still in the ear of fans today. Now a legendary musician has died after a Covid 19 infection.

  • Dave Greenfield is dead.
  • He died at the age of 71 after a Covid 19 * infection .
  • He wrote music history with the band The Stranglers .

London - He wrote music history with The Stranglers and was involved in their two biggest hits. Now Dave Greenfield is dead. The keyboardist of the English new wave / post-punk / pop band died at the age of 71 after being tested positive for the corona virus . The sad news spread The Stranglers on Monday (4.5.) On Facebook .

Coronavirus: 80s music legend Dave Greenfield (The Stranglers) died after Covid-19 infection

"We are deeply sad to announce the premature death of keyboard legend Dave Greenfield on the evening of May 3, 2020," the statement said. "Following a hospitalization for heart problems, Dave tested positive for the Covid 19 virus last Sunday , but sadly lost the fight last night."

The Stranglers pay tribute to the band - he was a member of the legendary formation for 45 years. "Dave has always been present in the band since joining in late 1975, and his keyboard magic has been world famous throughout his 45-year career at The Stranglers."

Coronavirus: Colleagues mourn music legend Dave Greenfield

Not only his musical merits are brought to the fore. "Dave was an endearing, friendly and eccentric character who always had time to chat," the band said. Various (ex) colleagues and companions also have their say in the long statement.

Band companion  Jean-Jacques "JJ" Burnel, for example, writes that he died "as one of the victims of the great pandemic of 2020". "We all in the worldwide family of Stranglers mourn and send Pam our sincere condolences." According to media reports, Pam means his wife.

The band's biggest hit is " Golden Brown ", which dates from 1981. However, German radio listeners are probably more present with " Always The Sun ". Dave Greenfield wrote both songs. Sadly, Dave Greenfield fell victim to the Coronavirus * pandemic. His hits live on for a long time ...

Schlager fans a term is probably the most famous song written by a Cologne musician who was found dead in his apartment.


* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network

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