The Limited Times

Alberto Fernández meets with businessmen and unionists to discuss the debt and the continuity of the quarantine

5/4/2020, 9:23:34 PM

The President is accompanied by the Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán.

05/04/2020 - 17:09

  • Clarí
  • Politics

With the aim of planning the next steps for the extension of the quarantine and also with the idea of ​​discussing the debt restructuring process faced by the Government , this afternoon Alberto Fernández meets with different businessmen.

The meeting is attended by the heads and representatives of the Argentine Industrial Union, the Chamber of Commerce, the Construction Chamber, the CGT, the Association of Banks of the Argentine Republic, the Rural Society and the Stock Exchange.

For his part, the President will be accompanied by the Minister of the Economy, Martín Guzmán , as reported in a statement. This Friday is the limit for bondholders to respond to the offer.

Alberto Fernández meets with businessmen and unionists. Photo: Marcelo Carroll.

Although the unionists and businessmen began entering Olivos minutes before 17 - when the meeting was scheduled to start - the meeting began formally at 17.50.

Another key issue to discuss will be the continuity of the quarantine that ends on May 11. How will the new stage be and what new items will be enabled.

News in development. I mean