The Limited Times

Attempted “invasion” in Venezuela: the prosecution accuses Guaido of having recruited “mercenaries”

5/4/2020, 9:41:28 PM

The Venezuelan prosecutor's office accused opposition leader Juan Guaido on Monday of recruiting "mercenaries" with funds from the oil country blocked by American sanctions, to foment an attempted "invasion".

Read also: Juan Guaido: "Chavista power is a criminal structure"

"Mercenaries" signed "contracts" for 212 million dollars with money "stolen from (the state oil company) PDVSA" and "accounts belonging (to Caracas) which were blocked abroad "Attorney General Tarek William Saab said to the press. Mr. Saab implicated a former American soldier by the name of Jordan Goudreau. “This contract is public. We can see the signature (...) of citizen Juan Guaido "and" of Jordan Goudreau himself, "said the attorney general, in reference to a document allegedly released by a Venezuelan journalist based in Miami, Patricia Poleo.

The prosecutor also released a video in which Jordan Goudreau, who founded a private security company called Silvercorp USA, says that an operation against President Nicolas Maduro is still in progress.

Putsch by sea

Caracas said on Sunday it had foiled an attempt to "invade by sea" "mercenaries" from Colombia with the aim of fomenting a "putsch" against Nicolas Maduro, an operation which resulted in the death of eight " terrorists ".

The prosecution has opened several investigations against Juan Guaido, recognized as interim president by almost sixty countries, without ever issuing an arrest warrant.

"Justice always ends up triumphing," added the attorney general. Juan Guaido rejected the accusations, denying any link with this security company. Nicolas Maduro continues to enjoy the support of the army staff, the centerpiece of the Venezuelan political system, but also of China, Russia and Cuba.