The Limited Times

Coronavirus: nine million masks made available in transport

5/4/2020, 8:41:33 PM

Users who have forgotten to equip themselves will be equipped with a mask, a compulsory device in public transport from May 11.

Nine million single-use masks will be made available in public transport in France for users who have forgotten to take one, Secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari announced on Monday.

The wearing of the mask will be compulsory in public transport from May 11, the date scheduled for the gradual lifting of the confinement of the population imposed to curb the spread of the new coronavirus.

Read also: LIVE - Coronavirus: 306 new deaths in 24 hours, France exceeds 25,000 dead

"The French must get a mask before May 11 but I am announcing that we will also make available more than nine million masks in public transport, which we will distribute throughout the territory this week so that that the French who forgot to take their mask on May 11 can be given a mask as an extra, " said Jean-Baptiste Djebbari on BFM TV, adding that these would be single-use masks.

The amount of the fine for not wearing the mask in transport has not yet been fixed but it will be known "no later than Thursday," added the Secretary of State.