The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Israel: what is Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to advance the accelerated reopening of the quarantine

5/4/2020, 10:23:39 PM

Starting Thursday, departures without distance limits, visits to elderly relatives and the opening of markets and shopping malls will be authorized.

05/04/2020 - 18:53

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Israel was one of the first countries to enact strict quarantine against the advance of the  coronavirus. That is why she became a model in the fight against the pandemic. It is now one of the first countries to flexibly isolate isolation to end the quarantine on June 14.

After a return to part-time classes and the reopening of shops, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Monday that next Thursday unlimited outings will be allowed, visits to elderly relatives and the opening of markets and shopping malls .

In a press conference, Netanyahu also added that public meetings of up to 20 people in open spaces will be enabled, along with weddings and funerals, which will not be attended by more than 50 people.

The step-by-step plan

Netanyahu explained that if once the restrictions are relaxed the death rate does not increase, then in two weeks the government would allow meetings of up to 50 people.

If that potential easing doesn't trigger a new outbreak, then by May 31, meetings of up to 100 people would be allowed , and on June 14, the limit will be removed entirely.

Currently the country registers 16,246 infected and 235 deaths , and, according to the latest official balance, the contagion and death curve is steadily giving way.

Next Sunday, the kindergartens will reopen their doors, while the sectors of the educational system and the academy that have not returned to classes will only do so in mid-June.

Classes had partially restarted in the past few hours , although Tel Aviv, Haiffa and other major cities refused to do so due to lack of preventive guarantees in the face of the pandemic.

To reassure specialists and some political leaders, Netanyahu set limits on the reopening. For example, if more than 100 new cases reappear per day from areas not considered "hot spots" of the pandemic or the doubling of the infection rate in 10 days and 250 patients in serious condition.

Netanyahu's announcements were approved by his entire cabinet and are expected to be published tomorrow Tuesday. However, during Monday's cabinet meeting, Health Ministry officials again warned ministers that easing the restrictions too soon could lead to further outbreaks of contagion, the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post reported.