The Limited Times

Cuban President: Coercive measures violate international law

5/4/2020, 11:14:45 PM

Havana-SANA, President of Cuba, Miguel Diaz Canel, renewed his call for the abolition of coercive measures unilaterally


Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel renewed his demand to cancel the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the West on some countries, stressing that they violate international law and the United Nations Charter and limit the ability of these countries to effectively confront the Coronavirus pandemic.

Diaz Canel said in a speech during the virtual summit of the non-aligned countries on the Corona virus pandemic, according to Cuban media, that “the Corona virus pandemic has demonstrated the vulnerability of a cracked and exclusionary world,” stressing that the multiple crises that arise from this virus today warn of “devastating and long-term effects”. On the economy and on all aspects of life.

Kanelle condemned the recent and serious military threats launched by the United States government against the Republic of Venezuela, once again its country's solidarity with the people and government of Nicaragua.

In his speech, the Cuban President denounced the United States' aggression against multilateralism and its unjust threat to international organizations, especially the World Health Organization, stressing his support for the call of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to end wars, including unconventional wars.