The Limited Times

Deconfinement: mayors don't want to be “suicide bombers”

5/4/2020, 6:51:20 PM

Charged with reopening schools, city officials fear being exposed to legal action.

More than ever at the forefront of deconfinement, mayors want to clarify the legal framework in which they will operate from May 11. In particular in crèches, nursery and elementary schools which they must reopen. Elected officials fear that municipal officials will turn against them in the event of contamination. Unless the threat comes from parents: “If a cluster leaves a school, who will they seek responsibility for? Asks Gaël Perdriau, the LR mayor of Saint-Étienne. Finally, what about the legal value of the drastic recommendations of the Scientific Council for the resumption of school? “We are used to taking risks. We know that in our functions there is no such thing as zero risk but we want clarity"Explains Jean-Luc Moudenc, the president of urban France and LR mayor of Toulouse.

Read also: The mayor-prefect couple maneuvering to deconfinate

In an increasingly judicialized society, the question of responsibility "is not a small subject," the Prime Minister admitted on Monday

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