The Limited Times

German industrialists mobilize against the Covid-19

5/4/2020, 7:32:34 PM

REPORT - In Rostock, it was decided to test early and a lot, even those without symptoms.

Rostock was the first large city in Germany to proclaim itself " corona frei " (released from the corona) on April 23. The Hanseatic city had not registered any positive case for two weeks and no patient-Covid was no longer hospitalized. The Danish mayor with his Viking beard, Claus Ruhe Madsen, praised a posteriori for his quick and unpopular decisions, like the ban on a big concert on March 11, publicly thanked the company Centogene for its action. More than 7000 tests have been carried out by this company, whose primary activity, the analysis and collection of genetic and clinical data on orphan diseases, has faded in favor of the fight against Covid-19.

Read also: Mass screening, rapid containment: what Germany has done better than France

In Rostock, it was decided to test early and many, even those without symptoms, beyond the recommendations of the Robert-Koch institute. A broad and paying testing policy for essential personnel: an infected caregiver could be isolated before

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