The Limited Times

Live glass ceiling

5/4/2020, 9:32:34 PM

Galit Distell Atbrian

When the Marciano Foundation interviewed in the midst of the 12th edition of Beacon Reina Abitball, she suddenly spoke in Moroccan Arabic.

It was surprising, foreign to the ear and thrilling to the chill. Two women chatting leisurely in the language so far assigned to Borax movies, and doing so during prime time, embroidered with ties and suits. I don't understand a word in Moroccan Arabic, but at this moment I had tears in my eyes, and so did Marciano, and they were true tears. There was not one fake flicker in this interview. For Reina Abitball it was a huge moment of recognition, for Marciano it was a big moment of release. 

And when a sacrilegious and patronizing truth comes out into the world - the world responds accordingly. This interview burned the network and excited many Israelis. Something about the soft, warm encounter between the news source and the beacon was some kind of healing power for a huge public in Israel - the eastern, right-wing, traditional public.

A few days later, Marciano explained that for her it was a formative moment; Finally recognition of this public, and another news release. She talked bloodily about the glass ceiling so convincingly that I couldn't help but wonder - where has she been so far? 

Where was she when culture minister Miri Regev was slaughtered time and time again in Marciano's home studio, precisely because of her "Eastern" characteristics, and when her panelists mocked "Siberian" and "spoons"? Is there any slight doubt in Marciano that without the world-correction that Regev did in the cultural realm - women like Reina Abitball would not light a beacon or converse with her in Arabic in a news release? Reina Abitball was served on Miri Siboni's silver platter, and this platter went up to serve the culture with blood, sweat and tears. Could Marciano not be aware of this?

And where were many of Marciano's passionate (and rightly so) praises on social networks, with the Oriental-traditional public, that public with such patriotic, so national, so state-wide characteristics, becoming the most ridiculous public in the reputed panel in which it sits? A public that could not come under the umbrella of political correctness, a public that can say everything about it, who did say everything about it, that our senior commentators mock him directly, and if not directly - then implied. 

A public that has been confiscated for years in studios of the kind from which Marciano transmits, the ability to think independently (herd), the ability to think intelligently (baboons), the ability to control reality (the blind) and the ability to draw conclusions (brainwashing); A public that has been de-legitimized just to make the note it puts on the ballot illegitimate. Why was everyone silent then, and why was Marciano not then? 

It may well be for her the popular ecclesiastical eccentric figure of Reina Abitball good for a non-binding Moroccan huddle, but one should not take his opinion of the High Court seriously, suppose? That they shared in direct view of the nation.

For more views of Galit Distell Atbrian