The Limited Times

Ségolène Royal wants a second round of municipal elections in June

5/4/2020, 7:38:39 PM

The former minister and presidential candidate warns of a possible democratic crisis in the event of postponement of the municipal elections to the start of the school year, with the cancellation of the first round for unelected mayors

Ségolène Royal expressed concern Monday about the risk of " adding a democratic crisis to the health crisis  " with the possible postponement of the municipal elections in the fall and the cancellation of the first round for those mayors who were not elected.

After a strong tribute to local elected officials, the former Minister of the Environment wondered on his Facebook page: "How can we be fully effective for a mayor and a municipal council if they are pending while awaiting democratic confirmation?" »Ségolène Royal judges that« if health security can be guaranteed in June in shops, it can be guaranteed in a polling station with, this time, all the protective measures that were not in place in the first round. "

While Monday before the senators, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe remained unclear on the second round of the municipal elections, the former ambassador of the Poles, tempted by a new presidential campaign in 2022, attacks the government. According to her, the executive would think for the municipal " on a date as distant as possible, hoping for a return to electoral grace and a cancellation of the first round ". " We do not want to believe this rumor as it would be contrary to the interests of the country which needs the security and stability of its elected front line officials, " she said. Ségolène Royal hopes at least " that this time the mayors will be consulted on the date and the procedures because they are best able to say whether the health protection of voters and dedicated members of the polling stations, assessors and municipal employees, is guaranteed . "