The Limited Times

Tehran: Washington must curb its terrorist organizations in the region

5/4/2020, 10:05:28 PM

Tehran-Sana, a spokesman for the Iranian government, Ali Rabiei, called on the United States to curb its terrorist organizations


Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiei called on the United States to curb its terrorist organizations, especially "ISIS", stressing that the terrorism launched by Washington in the region will counter it and cause harm to it.

"We know that America has had a role in establishing the terrorist" ISIS "organization, because this is a game that the Americans are implementing, and we are confident that they will fail and advise them to end it," he added, referring to the White House's attempts to revive the "ISIS" terrorist organization in Iraq. After a democratically elected government.

On Iran's response to the possible extension of the arms embargo on it by America and its possible exit from the nuclear agreement, Rabiei said: "We will study carefully all scenarios and the field is open to us for selection, and we can speculate that the simplest consequences of such a hostile decision will be harsh for America and international stability."

Rabei added that the remaining countries in the nuclear agreement and members of the Security Council are well aware of the arrogant and unjustified American demands, "and they do not want to be partners with the American administration in confusing the foundations of international laws and agreements." Created to protect international security.