The Limited Times

This gardening is due for you in May

5/4/2020, 3:08:27 PM

In May there are many important jobs in the garden - especially after the ice saints. Find out here what is sown, planted and cut.

In May there are many important jobs in the garden - especially after the ice saints. Find out here what is sown, planted and cut.

  • A garden does a lot of work, but the wages are well worth it.

    • In May you can already expect the first earnings.
  • Many types of vegetables and flowers can now be put outdoors.

May is an important month in the garden calendar. While the plants slowly awoke from hibernation in April, it is now blooming and sprouting everywhere. This also increases the work for hobby gardeners. A lot of vegetables can be sown and planted outdoors in May, plants that have already been planted need care and you should keep an eye on the first pests. The Ice Saints are a particularly important deadline.

Ice Saints in May: that's why they play a role in the garden

The ice saints * are memorial days of saints in May. These include Mamertus (May 11), Pancratius (May 12), Servatius (May 13), Boniface (May 14) and "Kalte Sophie" (May 15). They stand for the end of the cold frost nights , which is why many cold-sensitive plants are only put in the garden afterwards. While this farmers' rule offers a good orientation , it may well be that late frosts still occur after mid-May. Nevertheless, the weather is reasonably stable from this point on.

Put early plants outdoors

Those who want to start harvesting as early as possible have grown their first vegetables on the windowsill, in the cold frame or in the greenhouse in March or April. The seedlings and young plants developed from this can be slowly put into the open after the ice saints - now they no longer threaten to freeze to death in the bed. This includes:

  • Tomatoes *, bell peppers *, bush beans, zucchini *, cucumbers *
  • Salad *, celeriac *
  • Types of cabbage such as red cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli
  • Herbs like tarragon, marjoram or basil

Gardening in May: direct sowing outdoors

If you have not grown on the windowsill, you do not have to worry: Many vegetables and herbs can be sown directly in the garden bed in May . The following are included:

  • Types of lettuce such as lettuce, ice lettuce, lettuce or lettuce
  • Carrots, radishes, radishes, beetroot *, celery
  • Types of cabbage such as cauliflower *, kale *, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage or savoy cabbage
  • French beans and runner beans *
  • Herbs like basil, dill, chervil, cress, coriander, marjoram or maggot herb

Fittingly : If you forget this thing while growing vegetables, diseases and pests are at risk.

Sowing and planting flowers outdoors

So that a beautiful sea of flowers greets you in the garden over the summer, it is time to plant bulbs such as dahlias, freesia, gladiolus or tuberous begonias in May . For other colors, it is worth sowing summer flowers such as columbine, chrysanthemums, lupines, cornflowers, snapdragons or sunflowers .

These vegetables and fruits are ready for harvest in May

May is not only the month in which you have a lot of work to do: it is also the month in which you can, for the first time in the year, cost the reward of your efforts. In the vegetable patch, the first radishes *, sugar snap peas, strawberries * or spring onions * are ready for harvest . Also asparagus is now ready to be processed to supplement and rhubarb now finds its way into a delicious cake.

In addition, herbs such as chives, wild garlic, dill or parsley have now reached a size that is optimal for processing in the kitchen. The first salads in the greenhouse are ripe enough to be harvested.

These perennials, shrubs and trees will show their flowers from May

In May you can look forward to wonderful colors in the garden. Many flowers and shrubs now open their flower dress and thus awaken nature. For example, apple trees * and horse chestnut bloom, shrubs such as ranunculus, lilac or rhododendron * open their buds and flowers such as daisies, dandelions, lily of the valley or bleeding hearts reveal their colors.

You need to take care of these plants in May

After some things were planted in the garden in April *, you now have to take care of your young plants. It is particularly important to remove weeds from the beds . To do this, loosen the ground with a digging fork and use a weed cutter to remove the uninvited guests who can be reached with it.

Since the first hot temperatures can now occur in May, regular and sufficient watering is essential . Young shrubs or freshly planted vegetables in particular do not yet have deep roots to supply themselves with water from deeper layers of the earth. But don't overdo it: waterlogging isn't good for plants either.

By mulching beds or under bushes and shrubs , you also prevent weeds and provide the plants with nutrients from organic material.

Also interesting : when and how are shrub roses cut?

These shrubs and ornamental trees are cut in May

If not done yet, shrubs such as forsythia *, hibiscus or lilac will be cut in May : To do this, remove old branches directly at the base so that new shoots can grow stronger. Also cut hedges into shape in May. In the case of fruit trees, cut back growing shoots and water rods. In addition, you tie the side shoots down on young fruit trees . In the case of espalier fruit, they are trimmed back. Bergenias and other perennials that have already bloomed also cut back or split.

Aphids & Co .: You should watch out for these pests in May

As early as May, you have to look out for pests as a precaution . Aphids are particularly well represented in mild winters * and treat their plants comfortably. By strengthening the ladybug population, you keep the crawling animal at bay. In addition, caterpillars frolic on young vegetables and snails * nibble off your plants. In order to scare the reptiles, you should water their beds early in the morning.

Lawn care in May

The lawn * begins to grow vigorously in May. That is why regular mowing is now necessary every three to seven days to four to four and a half centimeters so that the lush green sprouts well. A too deep or infrequent cut will damage your lawn and invite moss and weeds to spread. Also, don't forget to water the lawn well in dry weather.

Also read : After sowing: How long does it take until the grass grows?

Spring feelings: These 10 flowers will make your garden shine

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.