The Limited Times

Coronavirus: "We will know in early June" for the summer holidays, but it will not be possible to leave Europe

5/5/2020, 12:30:01 PM

"We will remain between Europeans," announced Emmanuel Macron, even if he did not rule out that the perimeter of authorized trips was ultimately limited to France.

Can the French go on vacation this summer? If the question may seem secondary in the face of the human drama linked to the coronavirus epidemic, this perspective has nevertheless been brought back to the fore by the imminence of deconfinement. Asked by TF1 and France 2 from a school in Poissy (Yvelines) on Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron explained that it was still "too early" to say exactly. "We will know in early June," he said. “We have not won the battle against the virus. He's still here, we slowed him down. We are going to open a new phase (May 11). If we are all responsible collectively, I am sure that we will succeed, ” he insisted.

Some tracks

The Head of State, however, gave some leads, announcing already the limitation of "international travel" . "So we will stay between Europeans. Perhaps, depending on the epidemic, we will even have to reduce it a little more, ” he added. "My wish is that we can help everyone as much as possible to have a family life and therefore have this share of hope, smile and sun" , he slipped, to maintain an essential " glimmer of" hope ”.

The President of the Republic finally recalled that many children "never go on vacation" . "I want us to be able to help collectively to be by the families' side, perhaps to help them more than usual to organize rest and leisure times, sometimes nearby, times of occupations, times of culture together ... " , he hoped. While waiting to see more clearly, Emmanuel Macron warned: the summer of 2020 will be "a little bit special because of the virus" .

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