The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Virgin cuts 3000 seats in GB

5/5/2020, 3:54:13 PM

Out of a total of 10,000. Stop to operations from Gatwick (ANSA)

More cuts between area companies due to the impact of the coronavirus emergency: the latest is Virgin Atlantic, which has announced the redundancy of 3000 of its 10,000 employees in the United Kingdom and the end of its operations in the Gatwick hub, the second London airport.

British pilots union Balpa denounced the cut - which comes after numerous other carriers globally, including British Airways which provides 12,000 fewer jobs - as "devastating." "We have gone through many storms in 36 years of activity but none as catastrophic as Covid-19, "said Shai Weiss, chief executive of the area company headed by Richard Branson's group, in justifying the heavy restructuring plan.