The Limited Times

In Calabria 1119 positive, plus 1 on yesterday

5/5/2020, 3:54:30 PM

Only one new positive was found in the swabs made in Calabria. The ascertained cases thus rise to 1,119 out of the 38,461 tests performed to date. The victims are stable at 88. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - CATANZARO, MAY 5 - Only one new positive was found in the swabs made in Calabria. The cases ascertained thus rise to 1,119 out of the 38,461 tests performed to date. Levitimes are stable at 88. The hospitalized in infectious diseases are 92 while those in intensive care 4. The positives are: Catanzaro: 46 in the ward; 2 in resuscitation; 59 in house isolation; 77 healed; 32 deceased. Cosenza: 21 in ward; 284 in home isolation; 124 healed; 29 deceased. ReggioCalabria: 18 in the ward; 2 in resuscitation; 125 in house isolation; 96 healed; 16 deceased. Crotone: 7 in the ward; 35in home isolation; 65 healed; 6 deceased. ViboValentia: 51 in home isolation; 19 healed; 5 deceased.
   There are 5,612 subjects in voluntary quarantine: Cosenza 284, Crotone 1,780, Catanzaro 1,928, Vibo Valentia 354, Reggio Calabria 1,266.