The Limited Times

Signs of weakness from Hezbollah

5/5/2020, 8:30:13 PM

Eyal Sweet

In Lebanon, during the past week, the protest and rebellion were ignited. After being shut down in homes because of the Corona, the masses took to the streets to protest against another, equally dangerous, virus that has been attacking Lebanon for years and from which it has failed to cure itself. Protesters set fire to banks, blocked traffic and clashed with security forces, protesting the severe economic hardship, lack of jobs, and even the buds of scarcity and famine.

Protestants have been whispering in Lebanon for months, even before the rains and the corona. The criticism is directed against the "system" in Lebanon, which produces corruption and paralyzes state institutions. This time, the new government, which had just been set up in an effort to deal with the economic crisis, was also intended. But those who need to worry more about the renewal of the protest are Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah, which he heads, in which many Lebanese see those responsible for the crisis.

For many years, Hezbollah has been able to control what is happening in Lebanon behind the scenes and to manipulate the government in Beirut at will, presenting itself as an opposition that actually represents the oppressed and the weak in Lebanese society, and especially the Shiite community, in their struggle for social justice. Hezbollah also purported to assure Lebanese that continuing the struggle it waged against Israel would not only not harm Lebanon - but would give it immunity that would allow the members of the country to continue to live their lives in welfare, elections and even economic prosperity.

However, Hezbollah's protective masks were removed one by one, revealing its true face as threatening to inflict greater catastrophe on Lebanon than the Corona disaster.

The fire in Lebanon erupted at the end of last year, as the Lebanese economy collapsed and a protest over the Beirut's wretchedness in the crisis was dealt with. Hezbollah, which has become a target of criticism for being the strongest force in the country, was initially embarrassed - but quickly took advantage of the protest to set up a government where it and its allies are the tone-givers, a government that will not disturb him, and will mainly not criticize him for his conduct. However, the economic situation in Lebanon has only worsened in the face of the Corona crisis. Within a few weeks, the Lebanese pound lost 100% of its value, and more than half of the Lebanese deteriorated into conditions of abject poverty. 

Lebanon now recognizes that tackling the crisis requires a struggle not only in Corona, but also in Hezbollah, which makes the country leper and difficult to obtain international aid. Only recently has Germany declared Hezbollah as a whole - and not just its military arm - as a terrorist organization.

Despite the troubles at home, Hezbollah seeks to broadcast "business as usual" with Israel. Just a week ago, his fighters broke ground on the border with Israel, seeking to send her a threatening message not to dare to damage the organization's and Iran's assets in Syria. But this is a message of weakness, and, as in previous years, for example, after the assassination of Qassem Suleimani, it turns out that both Hezbollah and its Iranian patrons are strong in speech and weak in actions, and that at this time they are deterred and afraid of a flare that will not benefit them.

All the organization wants is to let them alone so that they and the Iranians can continue to build their power. But this is precisely the time when Israel should not let go of the pressure if it wants to succeed in pushing Iranians out of Syria and weakening Hezbollah.

For more views by Eyal Zisser