The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: which are the 94 municipalities of the Province in which economic activities were enabled

5/6/2020, 7:54:19 PM

In 33 districts, you can also shop with a chinstrap or go to the hairdresser with turns. And in 52 cities so far they have no confirmed cases of COVID-19

05/06/2020 - 16:27

  • Clarí
  • Society

Managing quarantine in the province of Buenos Aires involves deploying administrative engineering over 135 jurisdictions with surgeon precision. Almost two weeks required provincial officials and mayors to design the opening scheme for commercial activities that begin to roll out economic structures, after more than 45 days of paralysis due to the coronavirus pandemic.

After evaluating 960 folders with proposals to open social and productive confinement, the Chief of Cabinet completed the provincial map and 94 municipalities were in a position to open shops with delivery sales, office services, local tax collection offices, analysis laboratories insurance clinicians and inspectors, among others.

But also, in this group that represents two thirds of all the municipalities of the Province, there are 33 districts that have already reached a status close to that of "normal" in the operation of social: customers are allowed to enter the shops (with face masks, one or two and in time bands), they began to attend hairdressers, manicures or kinesiologists and restaurants allow the removal of food at the door of the premises.

Thus, in this phase of social confinement, Buenos Aires shows two different faces . An urban conglomerate of 25 communes, to which are added cities with more than 500 thousand inhabitants (La Plata, Mar del Plata) where the restrictions remain firm and regulated with chains. In those urban areas where 78% of Buenos Aires residents live, the DNU of the National Government does not allow openings.

In the vastness of the pampas far from the metropolises, the deadly action of the plague could hardly appear as a threat . The Ministry of Health of the Nation, based on the data gathered by the SISA system (where all the country's health information is loaded) registers 52 communes where up to now there have been no cases of patients affected by the disease that flooded the world with death and humanitarian disasters.

There they are listed -among others- the district with the least inhabitants of the Province, Tordillo; riverside towns such as Punta Indio; cities that limit with other provinces (General Villegas, Tres Lomas), austral like Coronel Suárez or Puán, maritime like Villa Gesell or Mediterranean like Tapalqué. It is a varied painting of the extensive Buenos Aires. Populations scattered on plains or mountainous areas that have been able to avoid, until now, the fear of overwhelming infections.

Infections in the Province of Buenos Aires

Tap to explore the data

Data as of May 05


Another 22 towns have just one case , a neighbor who at the moment has the unwanted privilege of appearing in local statistics. Nine towns have two affected by the disease and another six note only three affected.

To round off: of the 135 departments in which Buenos Aires is politically divided, 87 have less than three infected in their regions. After a month and a half from the start of social confinement, the authorities consider that there are arguments to resume the daily rhythm , always with caution. Or with protocols.

The head of the provincial Cabinet, Pablo Bianco, is in charge of receiving the requests for authorization from the mayors, making them compatible with the regulations established by the Nation and signing the resolutions so that the new tasks begin to be incorporated in each place. "It is a mechanism to start up the productivity of the province," they explain in the government offices.

There is a category that goes a little further in the ratings. It is the one that regulates and allows specific industrial processes , destined to the provision of other commercial sectors (paint shops, hardware stores, pens, agricultural machinery, workshops). Mar del Plata, Saladillo, San Isidro, Alberti and Chascomús have already entered this block. And officials study the formulas proposed by 59 other cities.

The permission for recreational outings appears as the most resisted for its authorization. To enter this box, it requires that there be no community contagion, that the number of cases in the last 15 days not double, and that the town does not integrate the nucleus of cities "AMBA + 500 thousand inhabitants". In addition, the request must be signed by the mayor. There were 50 districts left with the possibility of requesting it , but only a handful were encouraged.

Villa Gesell started this week with the plan to stretch his legs outdoors. But this Wednesday, the mayor, Gustavo Barrera, threatened to "turn everything back" because he warned of abuse among the locals. Puán, in the south of Buenos Aires, also approved recess for one hour and up to 500 meters from home, in a limited time slot. Social networks were filled with "complaints" for alleged protocol violations. It is a difficult balance between need, wants and obligations.

The 94 authorized municipalities

1. May 25

2. July 9

3. Adolfo Alsina

4. Alberti

5. Hazelnut

6. Ayacucho

7. Blue

8. Bahía Blanca

9. Balcarce

10. Baradero

11. Bolívar

12. Bragado

13. Bell

14. Carlos Casares

15. Carlos Tejedor

16. Carmen de Areco

17. Chacabuco

18. Chascomús

19. Chivilcoy

20. Colonel Dorrego

21. Colonel Pringles

22. Colonel Rosales

23. Daireaux

14. Dolores

25. Escobar

26. Exaltation of the Cross

27. Florentino Ameghino

28. General Alvarado

29. General Alvear

30. General Arenales

31. General Belgrano

32. General La Madrid

33. General Las Heras

34. General Madariaga

35. General Paz

36. General Pinto

37. General Pueyrredón

38. General Villegas

39. Gonzáles Chaves

40. Guaminí

41. Hipólito Yrigoyen

42. Junín

43. The Coast

44. The Slaughter

45. La Plata

46. ​​Lanús

47. Laprida

48. Leandro N. Alem

49. Lezama

50. seal

51. Wolves

52. Lomas de Zamora

53. Luján

54. Magdalena

55. Maipú

56. Malvinas Argentinas

57. Mar Chiquita

58. Marcos Paz

59. Mercedes

60. Mount

61. Monte Hermoso

62. Moreno

63. Morón

64. Necochea

65. Olavarría

66. Pellegrini

67. Pila

68. Pinamar

69. Ramallo

70. Rivadavia

71. Red

72. Roque Pérez

73. Saavedra

74. Saladillo

75. Salliqueló

76. Jump

77. San Andrés de Giles

78. San Antonio de Areco

79. San Cayetano

80. San Isidro

81. Saint Martin

82. San Miguel

83. Saint Nicholas

84. Saint Peter

85. Suipacha

86. Tandil

87. Tapalqué

88. Tordillo

89. Tornquist

90. Trenque Lauquen

91. Tres Arroyos

92. February Three

93. Villa Gesell

94. Villarino