The Limited Times

Deconfinement: home helpers reject their job description

5/6/2020, 8:42:02 PM

The sector denounces the instructions of the Ministry of Labor, incompatible with the realities of their profession.

The leaders of personal service companies fell from their chairs when they discovered the job description "Home help: what precautions should be taken against Covid-19?", Which the Ministry of Labor established without consultation. A sign of dissatisfaction, the three major players in the sector - the Federation of Service to Individuals (FESP), the Federation of Personal and Local Services (Fedesap) and Synerpa Domicile - which represent more than 15,000 companies employing 200,000 workers have sent a joint letter to the Ministers of Labor and of Health. They denounce the inconsistencies in this job description and request its removal. And for good reason! Employers have an obligation of means with regard to the safety of their employees and may have their liability, civil and criminal, engaged in the event of non-application of their job description.

If the document stipulates the provision of "necessary equipment including, depending on the activity, the equipment

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