The Limited Times

With 12.1 million people on partial unemployment, Muriel Pénicaud hopes to have reached “a plateau”

5/6/2020, 5:16:01 PM

If the government will be lenient this month, the situation could quickly change.

Shortly after two months of confinement, partial unemployment may have peaked. This is at least what the executive hopes ... On Wednesday, more than 12.1 million employees benefited from this job protection scheme, revealed the Minister of Labor. " I really hope that we are close to the plateau and that we will gradually witness a decrease in partial unemployment at the same time that we will have a growth in those who will return to work ", explained on Europe 1, Muriel Pénicaud.

To date, more than one employee in two in the private sector is thus affected by this system and therefore sees their salary regulated by the State. Never seen! And that's without counting the approximately 2 to 3 million French people who had sick leave for childcare or because of vulnerability and were attached to the regime on May 1.

Read also: Eleven million workers on partial unemployment, economic and human disaster

Until the end of the month, parents who do not wish to send their children to school will still be able to benefit from partial unemployment. " The schools will gradually reopen,

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