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Coronavirus: is your department in green or red? Here is the final map of deconfinement

5/7/2020, 2:39:09 PM

Unsurprisingly, the entire northeast quarter of the country, Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France are in the red zone

The long-awaited verdict has fallen. Four days before the deadline of May 11, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran unveiled Thursday, the final map of the deconfinement of the country.

Up to now three-color and updated daily, the map of departments that became two-color this Thursday (green and red) conditions the pace of the deconfinement that will be initiated from May 11. Unsurprisingly, the northeast quarter of the country and Île-de-France, like Mayotte, remain in the red zone.

The northeast quarter and Île-de-France in red

In detail, 32 departments appear in red. These are North, Pas-de-Calais, Somme, Oise, Aisne, Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Vosges, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Moselle, Meuse, Ardennes, Marne, Aube, Haute-Marne, Haute -Saône Côte d'Or, Jura, Doubs, Territoire de Belfort, Saône-et-Loire, Nièvre, Yonne, Seine-et-Marne, Essonne, Yvelines, Val-d'Oise, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de -Marne, Hauts-de-Seine, Paris and Mayotte.

All the other departments are in green and will be able to start a deconfinement under less strict conditions than their neighbors. Wednesday evening, 27 departments were in "red", 22 in "orange" and 52 classified green.

Deconfinement postponed to Mayotte

The deconfinement is postponed to Mayotte because "the virus is actively circulating there," announced the Prime Minister. “In Mayotte, the number of cases is small but it is increasing. In Ile-de-France, the number of cases is decreasing but it remains higher than what we hoped for, ”commented the Prime Minister. If the deconfinement can take place in this last region, "it supposes a reinforced discipline", he added.

As a reminder, if your department is classified in green, this means that the deconfinement will take place under the conditions set out last week, in particular with regard to the reopening of colleges or parks.

If your department is listed in red, the infection rate and the number of people hospitalized are still too high. And therefore that the movement restrictions will be more important, even if the vagueness persists on the modalities of this "more strict" deconfinement.

A new stage on June 2?

Anyway, the deconfinement will take place in a "very gradual" and "differentiated" manner, insisted the head of government. After May 11, the executive has set a new stage on June 2 which could allow, if the conditions are met, to amplify the deconfinement.

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The Covid-19 epidemic still caused the death of 278 people in France in 24 hours, bringing the total to 25,809 dead at least since March 1, said Wednesday the Directorate General of Health.