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Deconfinement: how will Covid-19 patients and contact cases be monitored?

5/7/2020, 3:45:26 PM

Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, detailed Thursday what will happen for the people identified as contact cases.

Quickly detecting people infected with the coronavirus and identifying those who have known them, the famous "contact cases": this is one of the major issues for the deconfinement phase started on May 11 and detailed by the government on Thursday.

According to Olivier Véran, the country is ready "to massively test" the French with symptoms. All the departments of the Hexagon are in green on the map of capacities in virological tests. "The screening capacity is today at the level of the estimated needs", according to the Minister of Health. These needs would be in the order of 700,000 tests per week, but the Minister was careful not to give a precise figure concerning this "screening capacity".

Specifically, a person with symptoms of Covid-19 (cough, fever, loss of taste, etc.) should immediately contact a doctor. "He will then ask you questions and, if he deems it necessary, prescribe a screening test," explained Olivier Véran. This PCR test, carried out at the hospital, in the laboratory, at home, or in a "drive-test", is "reimbursed 100% by health insurance", underlined Olivier Véran. While waiting for the test result, your doctor will ask you to stay at home, in isolation. "

A test seven days after contact

In case of a positive test, the doctor is supposed to alert the health insurance. "She will contact you to start an investigation with you to identify the people you could have contaminated around you without knowing it, so that we can call these people we will designate as a contact case," explained Olivier Veran.

For these contact cases, in the event of a proven risk, for example if someone has "shared a lunch with a sick person without respecting the rules of distancing", "you will be invited to stay at home in isolation. As with sick people, you should then avoid contact with those around you. "

Deconfinement: what will happen if you have been in contact with a coronavirus patient?

- BFMTV (@BFMTV) May 7, 2020

Contact cases who cannot telecommute will be able to benefit from a work stoppage. Seven days after the last contact with a sick person, they will be tested by PCR. "Seven days why?" Because it is the right time to flush out the virus when we have been in contact. Before, it may be too early to fall on the virus, "said the minister.

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For contact cases where the test is negative, a doctor may "under certain conditions" and in "certain cases" suggest a reduction in isolation. The latter should however last an average of seven additional days because a "negative test does not completely exclude the disease," warned Olivier Véran.