The Limited Times

Deconfinement: why so few students welcomed into schools?

5/7/2020, 7:18:08 PM

Back to school, or rather resumption, according to the word used this Thursday by the Minister of Education, is well maintained next week. May

To these parents who were impatiently waiting to accompany their child to school again, the mail had the effect of a cold shower. "The return [...] will be from Thursday, May 14, and will affect only very few students," warns the director of an elementary of eleven classes, in the thirteenth arrondissement of Paris, who writes, in bold: " We will probably only be able to welcome a total of around thirty students. "

Same story from this other school in the capital, which piled up the warnings of "the teaching team": "The class will not go normally", "the continuation of learning will be partial", "if your child resumes school, he may not be with children of his class or even of his level or with his teacher "then:" we can not guarantee that the virus will not circulate in the school ". What worry families and encourage them to keep their little one. "In the word, we are even asked to indicate if we do not want to put his child in school by the end of the year" testifies a parent, struck by these words.

While more than 80% of schools are expected to reopen in the course of next week in certain regions and particularly in the Paris “red zone”, the words of National Education for Parents have been received as an invitation to… pass his path. "No toys, no books, no parents in the buildings ... we are going to continue school at home!" "Decides this mother of a schoolboy in a large nursery school in Allier.

In Paris, where the academy expects 20% of schoolchildren next week, the education authority replies that "if there are school initiatives aimed at encouraging parents to keep their children, they are marginal and do not correspond to a recommendation of the ministry or the academy ". However, in the capital, these missives are all inspired by the same official "mail model", of which the Parisian was aware. The key phrase? “No school will be able to accommodate students without the certainty of being able to apply the health protocol in an absolute manner. "

However, this is extremely strict and largely conditions the number of schoolchildren who can be accommodated. In his elementary school in the 15th arrondissement, which has 300 enrolled, Roger made the accounts. Of the 13 teachers in his team, ten will be able to return to school and three, because at risk or living with precariously healthy people, have indicated that they will remain teleworking. On the other hand, "80% of parents" are volunteers for the next few weeks.

Impossible to satisfy them all: to enforce the safety distances between the students in the courtyard, in the canteen, in the classes, the team must be limited to a maximum of… 60 children. "There is also this slight detail: for now, I do not have enough municipal staff ... so in fact I am not sure I can open", quips the director.

"An unspeakable bazaar!"

“This return to class promises to be an unspeakable mess! abounds with one of its counterparts in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, where 25 toddlers will be welcomed on Thursday, or 10% of the workforce. "There is only one one meter wide sink with two taps in the sanitary facilities for girls and boys," she explains. In the establishment, only 5 teachers out of eleven have planned to return: the others "have children to look after, others are sick or at risk", assures the director, who, this Thursday evening, was still waiting for the masks promised at staff.

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To choose the admitted schoolchildren, the academies have, according to instructions, erected an order. First, the children of parents in “priority” occupations, such as caregivers or the police. Then students at risk of dropping out of school. For these two categories, school resumes full time.

VIDEO. Jean-Michel Blanquer: "More than a million students will return to their classes"

Finally, third in order of priority, the hinge classes of large section, CP and CM2 are invited to resume as soon as possible, alternately, in small groups of 10 to 15 children. In Roger's school, we will only welcome categories 1 and 2 for the moment: “we can't do more,” he admits.

What about the start of the new school year in September? "Well, I don't know. If we do not relax the health protocol, we will be at the same point, ”says the teacher, who suspects“ that we will have to choose ”, between respecting the same health rules or welcoming more children.