The Limited Times

From Gillette still razors and shaving gel to the CRI

5/7/2020, 2:24:26 PM

Gilette decided to celebrate May 8, World Red Cross Day and its 157 years of activity, supporting the Italian Red Cross, "engaged for months in the Covid-19 health emergency, supporting the po with fundamental and necessary actions. .. © ANSA


(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 07 - Gilette has decided to celebrate the 8th of May, World Day of the Red Cross and her 157 years of activity, supporting the Italian Red Cross, "committed for months to the Covid-19 health emergency, supporting fundamental information the Italian population is needed, the most needy and putting all their resources in place to save lives ". This was announced by a note from the giant of male beard products. "Especially on this day - continues the note - Gillette, one of the leading brands of the Procter & Gamble Group, wishes to pay tribute to the CRI. The brand that for 115 years has been manufacturing precision technology and products for men's care and beauty, today supports more than maicoloro who they are fighting the Coronavirus. For this reason, it has already donated 15,000 razors and 10,000 shaving gels to CRI volunteers and has planned to donate an additional 5,000 razors and 5,000 shaving gels for doctors, nurses, health workers and volunteers who work in hospitals. " Procter & Gamble through other brands such as Head & Shoulders, Kukident and Mastro Lindo has donated 150,000 euros to the CRI for the purchase of masks and to support the Il Tempo della Gentilezza and Cri services for you, for the free delivery of medicines and older people and people who cannot move from home. Or with the stealing of 125,000 bottles of Head & Shoulders shampoo for the healthcare professional and over 45,000 packs of Mastro Lindoigienizzante for Italian hospitals.
    On the occasion of the CR day ((8/5) there will be a live TV broadcast on the IG channel, in which Bobo Vieri, Ambassador of Gilette, will meet Jonathan, the face of the video that the CroceRossa Italiana is divulging on his social media. serious and facetious, with some indications on the correct use of FFP2 or higher masks: in addition to washing the hands and indications on how to wear the device, cutting the beard and mustache becomes an important suggestion for the mask to adhere correctly to the face. (ANSA).