The Limited Times

The Premier League will ban rejoicing after a goal

5/7/2020, 4:21:32 PM

Measures for recovery launched, but speech is expected Boris Johnson (ANSA)

The English Premier League will prohibit group rejoicing after a goal, the exchange of shirts at the end of the game and spitting during the game as part of the new health protocol drawn up for football to return and complete the suspended championship for the pandemic. According to reports from the 'Telegraph' and other media, these measures will enter into force immediately and will last at least a year, to prevent the virus from spreading and the possible second wave.
    Either way, Premier clubs are awaiting Boris Johnson's Sunday speech when the Premier announces new 'recommendations' relating to social isolation. These will depend on much of the measures that the top 20 clubs will discuss next Monday, so that we can start playing again in early June.
    But we will also discuss the possibility of playing on neutral ground, and the introduction of the possibility of raising the number of substitutions for each team from three to five during the matches.