The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Spain, fourth block extension

5/8/2020, 4:51:15 PM

During an extraordinary council of ministers today, the Spanish government approved the extension of the state of alarm in the country due to the coronavirus pandemic: it is the fourth extension wanted by the executive (and approved by Congress) from the beginning ... (ANSA )

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 8 - During an ordinary ministerial council today, the Spanish government approved the extension of the state of alarm in the country due to the dacoronavirus pandemic: it is the fourth extension desired by the executive (and approved by Congress) from the beginning of the emergency and the government does not rule out asking for a further one, the fifth, according to the spokesperson, María Jesús Montero, opening to alliance alliances to guarantee its approval. While the ultra-budget has recorded a slight increase in deaths in the last 24 hours, with 229 deaths compared to 213 yesterday, for a total of 26,299 victims. To date, 222,857 and 131,148 iguarites have been infected.