The Limited Times

Venezuela: Charging terrorism and conspiracy charges against Americans masterminded a coup attempt

5/8/2020, 8:30:03 PM

Caracas-SANA The Venezuelan Attorney General announced today that charges of terrorism and conspiracy have been brought against illiterate soldiers.


The Venezuelan Attorney General announced today that the charges of terrorism and conspiracy have been directed against the former American soldiers who were arrested in Venezuela last Monday and they masterminded a coup attempt against the legitimate authority in the country.

France Press quoted MP Tareq Saab during a televised speech that Luke Denman and Irony are accused of terrorism, conspiracy, trade in weapons of war, and criminal agreement. The charges of these charges can reach 30 years in prison if convicted.

Saab added that so far, 13 mercenaries, including the two Americans, have been arrested, indicating that Venezuela will issue an international fetch card against Jordan Godro and Juan Jose Rondon who are outside the country.

Last Tuesday, Venezuelan TV broadcast confessions of the American Luke Denman, who is being held in Venezuela, including his confession to his work for the American private security company "SilverCoop", which is headed by the former Special Forces element, Jordan Godro, in which he acknowledged that Godro had received orders regarding the kidnapping from US President Donald Trump.

Denman also acknowledged that the group's sabotage plan was to take control of Caracas airport and ensure his own security until Maduro was transferred to the United States, confirming that he had arrived in Venezuela by boat from Colombia.

President Nicholas Maduro announced earlier that one of the American detainees who tried to enter the country to carry out a coup d'etat was working as a bodyguard for President Trump.