The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Gilles Simeoni wants a health passport for people coming to Corsica this summer

5/9/2020, 5:06:10 PM

Tourists or Corsicans returning from the mainland may have to present a negative PCCR screening test to come to the island.

Will those planning to come to Corsica this summer have to prove that they are not infected? Thursday, May 7, the Assembly of Corsica voted a project to end containment. This notably provides for the isolation of positive cases at their home or in collective places, the carrying out of 3500 tests per week in specific areas with the aim of detecting all Corsicans or even the distribution of masks. But the flagship measure of this plan is the creation of a " green pass ".

Read also: Coronavirus: when will we travel again?

In the columns of Parisien , Gilles Simeoni, president of the executive council of Corsica, justifies his step. He would like to implement this approach from June 23, or, if possible, from June 2. The idea is that each person wishing to come to the island will have to present at the airport or at the port a negative screening test dated less than seven days before departure. If the test is positive, travelers will not be able to board and their reservation (plane tickets and accommodation) will be covered by cancellation insurance.

He says: his approach " is not an anti-tourist plan!" " If this had been the case, " I would have simply asked for the extension of the decree (it provides that no one can come to Corsica at present except for imperative family or professional reasons, note) and we would have zero tourists this summer ".

The goal, explains the president of the executive council, is to secure the flows and to have a tourist activity without risk for the Corsicans and the tourists from the month of June. " Everyone " will therefore be affected by this test. Tourists coming from the continent, Corsicans from the diaspora and Corsican residents returning from a stay on the continent. "

For now, the plan has been presented to the prefect of Corsica who " took note ", specifies Gilles Simeoni. " Since the beginning of the crisis, the collaboration is total between the community and the State (...) I hope to speak with the Minister of the Interior this weekend " but " if the State does not want not from our plan, it will not be implemented ”. In Corse-Matin , the regional prefect, Franck Robine, said: " I will have a work meeting with the executive of the community of Corsica on Monday. I am waiting for someone to present the device to me and tell me more about what is expected (...) We have to work concretely to see what is the feasibility of all this. "

Several points remain unclear, however. Can we, legally, prevent a person from coming to Corsica and ask him to turn around? How can the island acquire a massive stock of tests?

In Corsica, the opposition denounces this initiative. At the head, the mayor LREM of Bonifacio, Jean-Charles Orsucci, for whom it is " an additional legal and scientific aberration which will definitively kill the little tourist season ". According to him, " no measure is to date 100% reliable except the quarantine of each newcomer ".