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Duchess Meghan: employees unpack - "She had to accept that ..."

5/9/2020, 7:42:04 PM

Nothing escapes you: In a new scandal book, Palace employees reveal piquant secrets to the Royals - especially Lady Di and Duchess Meghan.

Nothing escapes you: In a new scandal book, Palace employees reveal piquant secrets to the Royals - especially Lady Di and Duchess Meghan.

  • You will experience the royals in their most private moments: the palace employees.
  • Author Tom Quinn has now summarized their stories in an unveiling book .
  • New details about Lady Di and the Megxit * come to light in his work .

London - Many curious Royals fans would love to play mice to find out what's going on behind the palace walls. Anyone who does not have to do this, but who can see practically everything that happens even in the most private moments of the nobility, is their employees, some of whom are available around the clock. Author Tom Quinn has now processed what the noble servants have to tell into a new unveiling book , revealing particularly intimate insights .

Piquant details about royals: author reveals secrets in disclosure book

Complicated love relationships, frustration, jealousy and the constant media hype about yourself - there are many things that concern the members of the royal family and come to light in Tom Quinn's new  revelation book . Because in his work "Kensington Palace: An Intimate Memoir From Queen Mary To Meghan Markle" (in German: "The Kensington Palace: Intimate Memoirs From Queen Mary To Meghan Markle *") he quotes various statements by the palace members and provides intimate insights into the soul life of the royals. 

No secrecy at Kensington Palace

"Everyone knew everything - that was the problem with Kensington Palace," is the conclusion of one of the staff in Quinn's book. It is said that the residents of the royal estate could not hide from anyone what they would later feel: “Nobody, neither Magaret nor Diana, has learned the simple fact that no matter how much you trust your staff, they will not be over Talk to you - they would do it. ”For Tom Quinn, this is a feast:“ As the author of a new book on the palace, I do not justify having interviewed a number of the servants, ”Quinn told the Daily Mail, where he has already published the first extracts from his disclosure document

Spicy insights into the life of the Royals: Lady Diana was probably unhappy with Prince Charles from the beginning

The author has also spoken to the staff of the popular princess Lady Di and gained some assessments of her private pages. Diana had always tried to be both a megastar and a completely anonymous person and had simply disappeared from the palace many times without knowing anything about it. Contrary to many opinions, her first years there were hard for the former kindergarten teacher: “There is a myth that Charles and Diana had lived happily together in the beautiful palace, at least in their first years, but in reality you could almost get them from the day they moved in hear on arguments , ”one of the servants is said to have blurted out. 

At the same time, the palace was also the setting for many of Diana's affairs. Her last lover Dodi Fayed, however, is said not to have been particularly well received by her employees, since he thought he was something better. "He was very snooty with us - and Diana was so nice that she apologized to him for the employees who had shouted at Dodi," explains one of the former servants, explaining why they all had such a warm relationship with the princess .

New scandal Duchess Kate as one of the most popular Royals - but what about Duchess Meghan?

The same is said to apply to Duchess Kate , who is also considered by her subordinates to be one of the nicest members of the royal family. "She is nice to her employees," one of them is quoted in Tom Quinn's book, "and she was also very warm towards Meghan when she arrived." Nevertheless, the two duchesses are said to have become estranged over time: "The tensions came about because Meghan had to accept that even though she was a duchess, she wasn't married to the next king. ”It is said to have been difficult for her - similar to the fact that her home is much smaller than that of her sister-in-law and her Man's was. At some point, Quinn goes on to say, the two duchesses would have broken up so far that their husbands would have even met without them to avoid arguments and icy silence.

Duchess Meghan: This is how the Megxit came about - Kate was allegedly horrified by an incident

The first discussions about leaving Kennsington Palace are said to have started, according to a former staff member, after Kate was horrified to see how one of her employees, Meghan, about whose "diva" behavior a recent film colleague recently chatted * should have shouted. Ultimately - as Tom Quinn even quotes her husband Prince Harry, Meghan should always get what she wants. What the one-time actress * wanted this time seems to have been fulfilled again, because it is no longer a secret that Harry * and Meghan have withdrawn from their royal duties and are now living in Meghan's former home, the USA.

However, the former royal couple should hardly like the fact that so much is being talked about again about the two - and also about Harry's mother. After all, Harry and Meghan recently even threatened to boycott tabloid media before supposedly planning a scandal biography themselves.


* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network.

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