The Limited Times

Eight celebrities who have paid dearly for their incontinence on Twitter

5/9/2020, 9:54:16 PM

An Elon Musk tweet has caused Tesla's shares to lose 10% of their value. It is not the first known face to whom something like this happens. Kanye West, Donald Trump or Roseanne Barr attest

It seemed like a good idea. A funny joke, a sharp and poignant comment, a reflection out loud with which to demonstrate that behind the star, actor, philanthropist, politician, singer or all that at the same time, there is also an underrated wit. So Twitter notifications start moving really fast. The message appears to have gone viral, but not for the anticipated reasons. With the passage of hours, the problem is far from subsiding: on the mobile there are two missed calls from the advertising director with whom you were going to start a campaign next week. Also another fifteen from your agent. Two great options are outlined. On the one hand, duck your head, apologize and wait for the matter to heal. On the other, fleeing forward, telling that there is a dictatorship of political correctness that forces people to reject the racism of your tweet and, perhaps, lose a few fans along the way, but retain forever those strange people without avatars and with the name made up of many numbers and flags that have just started to follow you.

Not all the characters listed in the following list respond to the same pattern. In the most honorable cases, if any, it can be a demonstration of integrity, although (it must be said) at an inexpensive economic cost for the common people. For this reason, it is clear that the evident position of privilege of several of them makes it difficult to know if they even compensate feeling regretful. His accountants, on the other hand, perhaps did not think the same by taking those extra hours to reconcile the forecasts for the year.

When you're the owner of a multi-million dollar company, tweeting that you're going to drop everything doesn't seem like a good idea, unless you're really going to drop everything. Getty

Elon musk

On May 1, the CEO of Tesla decided to share with his followers on Twitter a personal appreciation regarding the economic value of his company: "The price of Tesla shares is very high, in my opinion." A very profitable day for the South African magnate, who published another ten tweets throughout the day, including one announcing that he would sell all his possessions and that, from now on, he would not have a home to "be free". Soon after, Musk said the tweet had angered his girlfriend, singer Grimes, who, 72 hours later, would give birth to their son, X Æ A-12.

Tesla fell 10% over the day and, far from reassuring investors, the founder insisted to The Wall Street Journal that his message was no joke: it really seemed to him that the company cost more than it deserved. . In spite of everything, nothing points to the fact that little X Æ A-12 will ever go hungry: according to Forbes, his father still has close to $ 40 billion left to squander.

Josh Trank

On the night before the release of Fantastic Four , the director had an extremely inopportune attack of scruples and decided to reveal on Twitter what, on the other hand, was already an open secret: that the version that was hitting theaters was not his own , but a montage mutilated by the studio of the film that he had originally conceived. Although for Fox the perspective was probably very different, Trank did not hesitate to brand his vision as "fantastic" and to assure that, had he followed through on his plan, "the criticism would have been excellent."

With an estimated budget of $ 155 million (up to $ 200 if advertising costs are added), the film only grossed $ 56 million at the American box office. Overnight, Trank, a promising talent who had big studios knocking on his door after filming a hit like Chronicle at just 26, lost his directorial chair in front of one of the new Star Wars movies , He saw his professionalism be questioned as details about his behavior on the set were revealed and, by his own decision or that of others, he left the cinema. Until this month: His new film, an independent production on the life of the gangster Al Capone, opens on May 12 on digital platforms.

Delete it! Don't post! That's what his people yell at Kanye West, but he rarely hears. Getty

Kanye West

It is difficult to ponder economically to what extent the deterioration of the rapper's public image has affected the rhythm of his earnings, which this year have led his wealth to exceed, according to Forbes, one billion dollars for the first time (despite the fact that he he had been claiming to be a "billionaire" for years). However, it is a fact that Kanye West has been making it very difficult for at least its African-American fan base with statements such as "slavery was a choice." Despite the interest and recognition of international critics, in recent years the singer has lost relevance on the artistic plane - compared to the advance of figures whom he himself has influenced, such as Childish Gambino - and his main source of income. It is not music, but its clothing and sneakers brand Yeezy, which has an agreement with Adidas.

West, who stated that he was initially asked not to publicly reveal his support for President Donald Trump, maintains a close friendship with the president, frequently wears the cap of "Make America great again" and has even dedicated epithets on Twitter of the caliber of "You may not agree with Trump, but the crowd cannot stop him from loving him. We are both dragon energy. He's my brother". Live, this kind of outbursts have not gone well: just a few days after the elections that brought the Republican candidate to the White House in 2016, he had to cancel a concert due to the whistles and jeers he received after praising the virtues of the extreme right-wing Not without first threatening to present himself in the 2020 elections.

The troubled relationship between the rapper and Twitter, by the way, is long: in 2016, through the social network, he publicly asked Mark Zuckerberg to “invest a billion dollars in Kanye West ideas” (thus, in the third person) . Now you have them.

Jim Carrey

In a line relatively similar to Josh Trank's, Jim Carrey unlinked himself on Twitter from his movie Kick-Ass 2: With a Pair Before it hit theaters. Although for reasons not related to its cinematographic quality: the actor explained that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Connecticut, where 26 people (including 20 children) were killed, had changed "his feelings" about the violence shown in the movie. “My conscience tells me that I cannot support it. My apologies to everyone involved, ”he wrote. The actor, on various occasions, has expressed his opposition to the sale of arms. 

Carrey's words were harshly criticized by Chloë Moretz, the interpreter of Hit-Girl, who accused the comedian of not distinguishing between fiction and reality: “If you think the movies are real, you shouldn't see Pocahontas because you might think that you are a Disney Princess. " Much better was taken by the author of the original comic, Mark Millar, who declared himself "delighted" with the statements: "For your star to say that the film is very violent to him is like a porn actor saying that one of his films has a lot of sex . Everyone will want to go see it. " Millar's optimism did not correspond to reality: either due to violence or simple disinterest, Kick-Ass 2 barely raised half as much as its predecessor.

Well, nothing, tweet against CNN sent. I have dinner and we start with the pandemic. Getty

Donald trump

Without a doubt, worldwide, Donald Trump's is the Twitter account that causes the most oscillations in the stock market. The financial JP Morgan has come to develop an index that measures the impact of the messages of the President of the United States on the market. Bank of America also alerted its customers that the company's shares tended to drop on the days when Trump wrote the most tweets. When it was less prolific, however, the opposite phenomenon occurred.

According to JP Morgan, the Trump publications that produce the most movements in the market are those that contain the words "China", "one billion", "products", "Democrats" and "big".

Stephanie Rice

The Australian Olympic swimmer lost an advertising contract with luxury car brand Jaguar after overheating for a game of rugby - following the Wallabies' victory, as their country's rugby team is known, over South Africans Springboks Rice tweeted, "Let those fagots suck it."

The athlete came to offer a press conference to apologize tearfully. It was not enough: Jaguar even took away the $ 60,000 car that he had given him, and that he had already been seen driving.

Gilbert Gottfried

The 12 gracieras that the actor published on Twitter at the expense of the 2011 Japanese tsunami did not exactly make his employers laugh at the insurance company Aflac, which has 75% of its business in the Japanese country. After years voicing the mascot in his commercials (a duck), Gottfried lost his job in exchange for the world getting jokes like this: "In Japan they don't need to go to the beach, the beach goes to them."

Gilbert Gottfried, who has acted in the films of This Boy is a Demon and dubbed drawings like Aladdin, is quite a bad taste legend who holds the particular honor of being the first comedian to make a joke publicly about 9/11, only three weeks after the attacks. He didn't like it either.

Roseanne Barr knows it: a bad tweet and you don't even dare to leave the house. Getty

Roseanne Barr

Since the Roseanne series , the actress was able to give voice to the working class in the eighties and nineties in front of the upper-class families that dominated the television series. In recent years, however, her forays into politics have clouded her figure considerably: after expressing wishes to become Israel's prime minister, Barr attended the Green Party primaries, where she had a heated controversy with the candidate Jill Stein for her rejection of the rights of trans people. "For me, if you have a penis then you are a man": Roseanne Barr, pioneer of Make Yourself Heard.

Roseanne returned to television in 2017, 20 years after its end, with a revival she was accused of spreading pro-Trump propaganda. But the return was short-lived: a racist tweet from Barr, where he basically referred to an Iranian-born adviser to Obama as "the cross between an ape and a Muslim," prompted its cancellation by the ABC network. The following year, a new version of the series was released without the main character.

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