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Mother's Day: WhatsApp sayings to send to mom - someone should be particularly happy

5/9/2020, 2:30:04 PM

May 10 is Mother's Day. And there are many ways to make mom happy and show gratitude. How about these WhatsApp sayings?

May 10 is Mother's Day. And there are many ways to make mom happy and show gratitude. How about these WhatsApp sayings?

  • The Mother exists in Germany for about 100 years.
  • This year is a bit different because of the coronavirus crisis *.
  • Because of this - or in addition - some use WhatsApp sayings .

Munich - It's always Mother's Day ! The merits of your own mom should be recognized 365 days a year. Or in leap years to 366. But there is an official Mother's Day every year that bears exactly this name. In 2020 it is Sunday May 10th. A lot of flowers and WhatsApp sayings * will certainly be sent again.

It's going to be an unusual Mother's Day, of course. Because the corona crisis also makes some meetings difficult. While a personal gathering on Mother's Day is an absolute must for many, others will probably not do so in 2020. And access calls or WhatsApp messages *.

Where does Mother's Day actually come from? The worship of maternal virtues goes back to ancient times. At their spring festivals, for example, the ancient Greeks paid homage to Rhea, goddess of the earth and fertility. British historians report on "Mothering Day", whose tradition, initially devoted to "Mother Church", began in the Middle Ages. Later that spring, especially children in the service of wealthy families were allowed to return to their mothers. As a small gift, they brought them picked flowers along the way.

Mother's Day was created - of course - well before WhatsApp

But Mother's Day in its modern form originated in the United States, where the poet and women's rights activist Julia Ward Howe called for a "Mother's Day of Peace" in 1870 in the face of war and slavery - an idea that the feminist Anna Jarvis resumed decades later. To honor her dead mother and draw attention to women's problems, in 1907 she called for a feast day for all mothers. At the request of Congress, in 1914 US President Woodrow Wilson introduced the second Sunday in May as a national day of honor. 

The idea made it across the pond to Europe. The first Mother's Day in Germany dates to May 13, 1923 - but initiated for purely commercial interests by the "Association of German Flower Shop Owners". The National Socialists finally declared the day 1934 a national festival. The gloomy time ended a few years later, Mother's Day has survived from the first forerunners in 1870 to the present day.

Mother's Day 2020: WhatsApp sayings sometimes replace flowers

Around 100 years have passed since the first Mother's Day in Germany. And that flowers are booming on Mother's Day has not changed since then. And there is hardly a mom who is not happy about a material attention. But much more important are more kind words. Preferably, of course, spoken personally. And thanks to the corona loosening, more people can meet their mum on Mother's Day than feared. With the given hygiene regulations, of course, best.

One possibility that did not yet exist in 1923 was saying via WhatsApp * for Mother's Day. They may not replace the face-to-face meeting or the phone call, but they will certainly be well received by the mom. We have collected some of the most beautiful ones for you. And would like to select a favorite in advance that would be particularly popular:

"Today I say thank you. Thank you for all your gifts of love. Thank you for your gifts of understanding and forgiveness. Thank you!"

It contains everything you should say on Mother's Day - the most important thing is a thank you.

WhatsApp sayings for Mother's Day: which one do you like best?

You can read more WhatsApp * sayings on Mother's Day below. Pick the one that you and your mother might like best.

"You are a unique person who gives everything to others without expecting to get anything back. Much love for Mother's day!"

"The best thing about me, I got it from you."

"Dearest mom one thing is true, you were always there for me. I thank you for the party, because you are the very best. ”

"Mothers understand what children don't say" (popular wisdom)

"If I had to choose a mom, my choice would only fall on you. Because you are the best mom that there can be for me. "

"Secretly, quietly and quietly / I send this WhatsApp on a trip. / It comes from the heart and with regards / Should sweeten your day. "

"You have no more important allies in this world than your mother."

"A child without a mother is a flower without rain."

"Today, for this dear celebration / I wish you the very best / happiness, health, long life / may the dear God give you."

"An angel without wings is called mom."

And finally, a sentence that is attributed to Mark Twain: "My mother had a lot of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it."

You can see more sayings in the video at the top.

However, caution is advised against these special text messages, which can cause your smartphone to crash.

lin with dpa

* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list picture: © fkn

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