The Limited Times

Ocean Park halts tens of billions of plans to seek the government ’s 5 billion salvation otherwise or hold on after June 

5/9/2020, 4:21:28 PM

At the beginning of the year, the government proposed to allocate 10.64 billion yuan to support the park ’s new development plan at the request of Ocean Park. Affected by the epidemic, the government re-examined the distribution of public funds and expected to announce the new plan as soon as next Monday (11th). Legislative Council member of the tourism industry Yao Sirong said that it is known that Ocean Park decided to halve the funding requested by the Hong Kong government, that is, to about 5 billion yuan, and the construction of the seven planned parks will be temporarily suspended. The appropriation is mainly used for operating expenses, loans for the construction of water parks, and other loans. He pointed out that the rest of the park ’s funds were the worst to operate until June, and better still only until July. "At that time, the real department may not have money to hold." The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Qiu Tenghua admitted that there will be some adjustments in the wireless news interview, and pointed out that the park can reflect on how to use this time to reposition and not rely too much on mainland and overseas visitors.

Social News

Written by: Hu Jiaxin, Liang Huanmin

2020-05-09 21:45

Last update date: 2020-05-10 00:11

At the beginning of the year, the government proposed to allocate 10.64 billion yuan to support the park ’s new development plan at the request of Ocean Park. Affected by the epidemic, the government re-examined the distribution of public funds and expected to announce the new plan as soon as next Monday (11th).

Legislative Council member of the tourism industry Yao Sirong said that it is known that Ocean Park decided to halve the funding requested by the Hong Kong government, that is, to about 5 billion yuan, and the construction of the seven planned parks will be temporarily put on hold. The appropriation is mainly used for operating expenses, loans for the construction of water parks, and other loans. He pointed out that the rest of the park ’s funds were the worst to operate until June, and better still only until July. "At that time, the real department may not have money to hold."

The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Qiu Tenghua admitted that there will be some adjustments in the wireless news interview, and pointed out that the park can reflect on how to use this time to reposition and not rely too much on mainland and overseas visitors.




Qiu Tenghua: I believe the public does not want to see the completion of Ocean Park

The Government has earlier applied to the Legislative Council for funding and proposed to subsidize 10.64 billion yuan to Ocean Park to support the new positioning strategy development plan, and at the same time assist Ocean Park to overcome immediate financial difficulties. Affected by the epidemic, the Ocean Park, which has been closed for more than three months, urgently needs funds to maintain operations. It is understood that the closure of the park has caused the financial situation to deteriorate from the original, and it can no longer be until September.

When accepting the wireless news interview, Qiu Tenghua admitted that the funding will be adjusted, describing that the "Salvation Plan" may not be able to reach the sky in one step. The new development plan of Ocean Park is still subject to the short-term and medium-term visitor numbers cannot be restored to normal. The park can reflect on How to use this time to reposition. He pointed out that he believed that the public did not want to see the completion of the Ocean Park, so he hoped to "salvage" the park and "endure this winter". He also said that although the epidemic has eased, it should not be too dependent on mainland and overseas tourists.

Wireless News reported that the government's plan to reduce the funding for Ocean Park will be reduced by half.

Ocean Park was temporarily closed earlier than ‪January 26. (Photo by Gao Zhongming)

Yao Sirong: Temporarily shelving the construction of seven parks

In response to enquiries, Legislative Councillor Yao Sirong said that it is known that Ocean Park will halve the 10.64 billion yuan of "Salvation" appropriation applied to the Hong Kong Government to invest mainly in operating expenses, loans for the construction of water parks, and other With the loan, the construction of the seven planned parks will be temporarily suspended. The government will announce the new plan next Monday, and seek approval for funding from the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council next Friday (15th).

According to his understanding, within three months of the park's closure, the expenditure is very large, and with zero income, the financial situation is even more severe. The current practice is mainly to relieve the urgent need.

Yao Xu said that it is known that the remaining funds in the park are only sufficient to operate from June to July. If the funds cannot be obtained, "then the real department may not have money to hold, so the funds are given first." He also said At the beginning of the park ’s reopening, discounts for local tourists will be introduced. In addition, Hong Kong people cannot travel to other places. Under the condition of “hungry too long”, the number of visitors is expected to increase. However, the original number of visitors cannot be compensated for. Has a role.

Li Shengzong, Chief Executive Officer of Ocean Park, said: ‪I hope that the government will be able to reopen within two weeks if the measures to restrict the flow of people gather and the approval of experts is obtained. (Photo by Gao Zhongming)

Tourism Commission: Park finances are more severe than in January this year

A spokesman for the Tourism Commission said that in view of the development of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, after the suspension of the opening of Ocean Park, despite the large-scale cost-cutting measures taken in the past two months, the park ’s financial situation is higher than that of this year in view of the high fixed costs. The Legislative Council Economic Development Panel discussed the related items more severely, and the government ’s financial support was even more urgent.

According to the Department, in response to the latest situation, the Government has made adjustments to the relevant financial proposals and will submit the funding plan to support Ocean Park as soon as possible to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council for approval.

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Ocean Park: maintain an open attitude towards the future

Ocean Park responded that it will take sustainable operation as its long-term goal and remain open to the future. The spokesman emphasized that this is a world-class theme park born and raised in Hong Kong, a well-known tourism brand in Hong Kong, and the conservation and education experience accumulated over 40 years is a valuable asset of Hong Kong.

The park announced the arrangements for the reopening yesterday. Chief executive Li Shengzong said that during the three-month closure of the park, more than 1 million passengers were lost, which seriously affected the park's revenue. Together with expenditures such as epidemic prevention, maintenance and animal management, the existing reserves or It can't survive this September.

Legislative Council of the Ocean Park Business and Economic Development Council