The Limited Times

The last of which is the Zayzoun Thermal Station ... Erdogan's mercenaries continue their crimes by destroying the infrastructure in Syria

5/9/2020, 3:12:26 PM

Damascus-Sana Destruction of the thermal station tower in Zayzoun was not the first crime of terrorist groups by destroying infrastructures


The destruction of the thermal station tower in Zayzoun was not the first terrorist group’s crimes to destroy the infrastructure in Syria and steal it, rather it is an approach practiced by these groups supported by the Turkish regime for years against the Syrian people from killing, destroying and vandalizing the infrastructure and stealing factories and factories in implementation of Erdogan's plans and Ottoman ambitions in Syria.

A few days ago, the terrorists of the so-called “Turkestan Party” destroyed the tower of the Zayzoun Thermal Station in Idlib, in order to complete the mission entrusted to them by the Brotherhood regime in Turkey by looting Syrian goods and destroying their infrastructure.

The station, which was put into service in 1998, was subjected to systematic theft and looting over the past years by Erdogan's mercenaries, which included electronic equipment related to electricity generation, huge electrical equipment and operating engines under the supervision of Turkish technicians who crossed the border, as were the giant steam boiler pipes removed and transported by truck to Turkey .

The station, which is one of the largest power plants responsible for supplying large areas of the country with electric power, consists of three gas generation groups with full accessories. Each group has a capacity of 128 megawatts and is powered by liquid fuel in addition to gas. It is located in Zayzoun, near the city of Jisr Al-Shughour.

Irrigation networks also were not spared the terrorism of Erdogan's mercenaries. Terrorist groups from the Al-Nusra Front and the so-called “Turkestan Party” extracted metal pipes from farmers ’lands in the Al-Ghab area near Idlib countryside, which are used to irrigate agricultural lands and smuggled them through brokers and sold them in Turkey.

The terror of the Turkish regime and its mercenaries over the drinking water. The occupation forces and their mercenaries from the terrorist organizations cut off water for long periods of time for hundreds of thousands of citizens in the city of Hasaka and the population centers in the countryside of the western city by surrounding them by stopping the pumping from the Aluk station and continues to blackmail the Syrians with drinking water.

Criminal acts by the mercenaries of the Turkish regime in Zayzoun and the countryside of Hasaka come as a complement to what the mercenaries of this regime carried out with the help of the Turkish intelligence in Aleppo before its liberation from the dismantling of thousands of factories, factories, workshops, electricity tanks and transformers in addition to the theft and plunder of thousands of vehicles in national institutions and most of them were transferred to Turkish markets to sell them cheaply or replace them with quantities of weapons and used the rest in their terrorist operations that continued for years in various regions before their liberation by the Syrian Arab Army.

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