The Limited Times

"Can we go back to fishing on May 11?"

5/10/2020, 11:06:16 AM

In several departments, angling will be authorized again during deconfinement.

Every day, Le Parisien mobilizes to answer your questions around the coronavirus. Today we are interested in the questioning of Patrice, who asks us if he can return to fish from the start of the deconfinement.

All access to water bodies (rivers, lakes, sea, etc.) have been closed since the start of containment on March 17. From May 11, this ban remains the rule, but reopening is possible with the agreement of the prefect, said Interior Minister Christophe Castaner Thursday, May 7.

In several departments, the prefectures and the local federations announced on Friday 8 May that it will be possible to return to the rivers and water bodies from Monday. This is the case, in particular, in Dordogne and Aveyron, reports the local press.

FISHING AND CONTAINMENT: Dear fisherman friends, As expected and hoped, you will be able to join the ...

Gepostet von Fishing Federation Dordogne am Donnerstag, 7. May 2020

And 'as soon as access to watercourses is authorized, angling is authorized! "Guaranteed the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, on May 8 at the National Assembly.

"We have been debating for 20 minutes about whether we are creating an article [on fishing]! The regime in which we are switching is an authorization regime, with some exceptions. As soon as access to watercourses is authorized, fishing is authorized! " says @ olivierveran. # DirectAN

- LCP (@LCP) May 8, 2020

In other territories, such as Cantal, only access to watercourses (streams, rivers, etc.) will be possible. "The practice of fishing will therefore remain prohibited on the banks of water bodies and lakes, unless the prefect has previously authorized their access, at the request of the mayor," said the prefecture.

Even if the gatherings are theoretically limited to 10 people, the authorities and the departmental fishing federations nevertheless often recommend coming alone. And it will in any case be necessary to respect health rules, such as physical distance, as well as bring your own equipment.

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As for creek fishing, it will depend on whether or not the beaches are reopened. This will also be there on a case-by-case basis, according to the requests of the mayors and the decisions of the prefects.

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