The Limited Times

"Distancial" versus "Presenteeism"

5/10/2020, 10:21:05 PM

The editorial of Figaro, by Laurence de Charette.

"Before", telework displayed zealous partisans and obstinate detractors, and each counted the points, while the practice tended gently to spread. In a few weeks, it has established itself, almost by breaking and entering, as the standard of a world seized by confinement. Farewell, open space , shared offices, dynamic spaces and other high places for team building ... It's at the lounge, on Zoom, Teams or Skype, trying to attenuate the rolling of the washing machine or the song of birds that office life plays out today.

The debates gave way to the observation: telework has proven to be effective, since it has enabled thousands of companies to continue to carry out their mission. It meets the requirement of “physical distance” which is imposed on our societies. And, to be honest, it seems that a good part of the French have tasted the exercise. Telecommuting will it be the alpha and the omega of this "next world" which we are promised all kinds

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